A game mode I'd love to see

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masanseti avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

Personally, I'm not too drawn to Odyssey surface combat. I played it a bit when Odyssey first came out and enjoyed it but I've found I haven't gone back to it.

An on foot game mode I'd love to see is an attack on a megaship or capital ship from the inside.

Imagine docking covertly at one end of the megaship, having the element of surprise and the option of stealth, and you and your team of NPCs/players work your way through the ship with the objective of capturing it, disabling it or even blowing it up from the inside and then frantically fleeing back to your ship or an escape pod to attempt to escape in time.

You could capture strategic objectives such as the engines or the bridge, and there could be multiple ways to complete the objective. Instead of having objective circles on the ground like in on foot conflict zones, you could have physical objectives to take and hold and sabotage.

Imagine this as an extension of a Conflict Zone when the capital ships arrive! How cool would that be!

I remember when I first saw the trailer for Odyssey and there was some on foot combat happening in a dark hallway. I just assumed that was on a megaship or a station so when Odyssey came out and didn't include this I was a bit disappointed.
https://omegle.onl/ vshare
I have a lot of love for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey and Frontier and I'm excited for what's going to happen in the next year!

let me know what you think or anything you've always wanted to see in the game!


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