Best RP way to log off

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bruzogiri avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 6 months ago.

Bear with me here. I know when you log off, your ship disappears into an alternate universe and nothing happens while you're gone.

But thinking in a more role play compliant way, how would a commander sleep? Obviously when you're docked, you go to the station bar and find 20 other commanders and go rent a Dolphin for a wild night, but what about when you're out in the black? How do you prevent attacks from pirates, thargoids, xenomorphs, and space herpes?
router login
You'd be damn near invisible if you drop out of supercruise and power down everything but life support. But you'd also be completely blind and unprotected. (Also I as the player don't want to manually turn off modules because it irritating.)

Would she stay in SC out of the ecliptic, or drop back into normal space? Powered up or powered down? Would it make a difference how far she was from a populated system? What do we think?


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