As you may know or not, this site is on a paid hosting. Ive been thinking about adding adverts to the site but Id like to know what you think? atm, the panel on the right is fairly empty (on most sites), so that could be a good place for something.
If you really eject to the idea, I wont place adverts. I just wanted to know what you thought first.
Your feelings on adverts


Trueguey (22)


Specoguey (14)

Good idea that way you may get more than you need (in the future) and you can add more features to the site, and the side bar is indeed empty so it's good but please don't add pop up stuff. To be honest I was thinking the same for cncmasers but I didn't discuss the whole thing with the staff yet.

Trueguey (22)

Oh, pop-ups stuck big time. I was thinking more about AdSense from google - just one in the right column. Nothing more. Its just the site cost money to run, and if the adverts can help pay for the site, all the better. However Im a little skeptical how much they would bring. We used to get the odd donation, but its been a long time since.

Specoguey (14)

Oh, pop-ups stuck big time. I was thinking more about AdSense from google - just one in the right column. Nothing more. Its just the site cost money to run, and if the adverts can help pay for the site, all the better. However Im a little skeptical how much they would bring. We used to get the odd donation, but its been a long time since.
- Roguey
- Roguey
Yeah adSense seems good have you used them before? I think they bring from cents to dollars per click but it depends on the ads that you'll have on the site.

Trueguey (22)

Well I never used before, so im not sure whether it would really make any money or not. I guess you havnt tried it before either?

Specoguey (14)

No, but if you have noticed before many websites use it like, moddb or even CNCNZ (since you know it) and many many more so I guess at least give it a try if you didn't like it you can simply remove it.


Markoguey (10)

i'd say do it. i have no idea how much it costs to run a site like this, but if adds help you out, then go for it. like you said though, i would start with just the one, and see how that works.
in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Trueguey (22)

Well I wanted to check with you guys first - as its important for me to know.
Running the site isnt too costly (why its got no ads atm), its just that it would be nice if it paid for its-self. I dont want to spoil the site with ads (I rather remove them than spoil the site)...Just something neat which maybe might go towards to the site - nothing more.
[update] Im going to give them ago. According to the terms and conditions they can be removed at any-time.
Running the site isnt too costly (why its got no ads atm), its just that it would be nice if it paid for its-self. I dont want to spoil the site with ads (I rather remove them than spoil the site)...Just something neat which maybe might go towards to the site - nothing more.
[update] Im going to give them ago. According to the terms and conditions they can be removed at any-time.

Trueguey (22)

Ah, ive been approved already. I have placed ads on the site - what do you think? I dont think they cause too much trouble nor too disruption.

Markoguey (10)

no, it's not bad at all. so you get money for every click on the links? does it get deposited into a personal bank account, or go strait to the company that you pay for webspace?
don't mean to pry, just curious.
don't mean to pry, just curious.
in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Trueguey (22)

To be honest im not too sure, clicks 'n that come into it. Im not expecting much to be honest - tried something like this ages ago on another site and got hardly anything. It got removed later.

Specoguey (14)

Well, me too, but let's can give it a try


Trueguey (22)

Are you going to try add some to cnc masters too?

Specoguey (14)

Yeah, I've been thinking about adding that for a long time but I didn't discuss the idea with staff yet so on... I've been facing an issue with my computer these days, it's driving me crazy I've restarted the computer more than four times just to post this reply so now you know why I'm late this time mate.


Trueguey (22)

Ive been wondering where you been - I figured you was busy with cnc masters. That sucks having your computer randomly re-set on you. Any ideas? windows problem? hardware?

Specoguey (14)

Ive been wondering where you been - I figured you was busy with cnc masters. That sucks having your computer randomly re-set on you. Any ideas? windows problem? hardware?
- Roguey
- Roguey
Actually I didn't work at anything there since the day (1st March) or I posted here so I had many stuff waiting for me to do. I've been suffering from this issue for three years it keeps comes and goes without any known reason, at first I format the computer and everything works back perfectly for a while but now it's becoming wrose, It's not a virus at all, not network issues for sure, I haven't played any PC game for six months because of this problem, don't know whether it's a windows problem or hardware but I think it's hardware, whenever I play any game or open webpage for sometime the computer freezes completely, no keyboard mouse or anything working any more.
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