New PC! Treating myself...

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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

As you can see, the main thing is the gfx card. That can be dropped to a GTX 650
- Sinxar

Over here an nVidia 670 would be over half of his budget in one fell-swoop. So it would be too much I think.

Processor: I was avoiding i5 due to price, I looked into the i3 because it was very cheap, $200 is quite expensive, it works out to £123, but I think it is worth it.
- bozo64r

Quad core vs Dual core, well if you can wouldnt you rather go for quad, as it will be twice the speed overall?

I put this together on Novatech:

I know its a little over you budget, however in that setup you got an i5 (Quad core), 8Gb, 600w PSU, 2TB (could be swapped for a 1TB black if speed is more important) and a GTX 660 (half way ground between the 650 and the 670).

Maybe Sinxar may disagree but this should be a lot better than the system you suggested on ebay - I think. Sure you can put better components in, however trying to stick around the £500 mark is hard. I would try and go the extra for quad core, as it will be better in the long run.

ps. looks like that MB is only 2 slots too, geez: MB really can cheap out eh? well not much you can do, but pay more for a MB. If you went for something like the Novatech Motherboard Bundle - Intel Core i5 3570K - 8GB DDR3 1333Mhz - Intel Z77 Chipset Motherboard deal, you get 4 slots with a 3570K but costing an extra £80 over-all.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

It's a good set-up that, I plan to pay for this in bits over a couple of months, so money is flexible. I will defiantly keep it in mind. With the two slots it does not matter, as I can if i wanted to get a 8GB DDR3 stick, stick it with one of the 4GB and I would get 12GB, and then if I wanted to I could go up to 16GB. So that's not an issue.
Having an i5 would be nice, but my question is, will i need it? Playing a game like X3TC/AP and Rebirth my guess it it does not need that amount of space. But it's nice to have as a future-proof.

I just saw it says 'Free Game: AC3' i think that means Assassins Creed 3 o_O I like the sound of that :P


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

So my colleague Daniel had a look, he is an avid gamer and came up with the 'Dream Machine' as he called it :P

MB/Mem/CPU: Intel Gamer Bundle with Asus P8Z77-V LX Motherboard Intel I5 3570K Processor and 8GB DDR3 (2 x 4GB) Corsair Vengeance LP Blue Memory Click Here £299.98

GPU: Sapphire HD 7850 OC Edition 1GB GDDR5 Dual DVI HDMI DisplayPort PCI-E Graphics Card Click Here £138.86

HDD: Hitachi Deskstar 1TB Hard Drive SATAII 7200rpm 32MB Cache - OEM Click Here £52.60

Power Supply: Xenta 700W 12cm Fan PSU - 1x PCI-E 2x SATA Click Here £31.97

A total of £523.41


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

Thats pretty good for the price. Now we need to find you a good monitor! Have you noticed how when the HDD prices spiked, after they recovered (mostly) the prices are still the same?


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

I have a 19" LCD TV I use as a monitor :P

Indeed, HDDs are strange when it comes to prices.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

as I can if i wanted to get a 8GB DDR3 stick, stick it with one of the 4GB and I would get 12GB, and then if I wanted to I could go up to 16GB. So that's not an issue.
- bozo64r

Nearly all systems want to run the memory in dual channel mode. So putting in one memory card or having a missed-matched size will stop it from working, meaning technically your memory speed could be upto 50% slower than normal. When installing memory modules we always stick in them in pairs.

Having an i5 would be nice, but my question is, will i need it? Playing a game like X3TC/AP and Rebirth my guess it it does not need that amount of space. But it's nice to have as a future-proof.
- bozo64r

Erm.. if your wanting a system for gaming, then you want the best. Games such as Rebirth will require everything you can throw at it. Guild Wars 2 can make my i7 2600k and 670GFX work very hard. So why go for dual-core nowadays? dual-core is starting to be a minimum spec.

Whatever you do, I think building your own is the way to go.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

i5 it is. The PC I listed will be what i go for, it will be bought over a few months, I'll keep a log and blog it all Big grin


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

It will be interesting to read any blogs. When I was building mine, I looked at AMD and Intel.. I was glad I stuck with Intel. Bulldozer was just a big failure, shame really.. I have no idea what AMD can do now, as they are loosing so much ground on Intel now. Kind of need a bulldozer2... Already. Probably be better if they ditched the whole bulldozer tech.

anyway, I hope we helped and when you do build it , you enjoy it Smile


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

They announced soon they will stop competing with Intel. Not sure what that means exactly but it could be good news for the gfx card market, not so good with keeping CPU prices down due to competition.


MajorStewie avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

you call that a pc??

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 4.40GHz OC (4 Cores)
Memory: 16384MB RAM @ 1600 MHz
Hard Drive: 500 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 - My Overclock - 132% - Power Target +165MHz - GPU Clock Offset +250 MHz - Mem Clock Offset
Operating System: Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 64-bit
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 v1.3
Computer Case: NZXT Tempest EVO Gaming Case

if only i had a SSD


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 12 years ago.

You should get an SSD. Since the HDD is the single largest bottleneck in the modern PC its impossible to convince people an SSD is worth it until they use one.


MajorStewie avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

i agree sdd is the future

the hard drive makes the computer wait while it gets the data


MajorStewie avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

they're releasing new generation intel chips *codenamed* haswell


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

i agree sdd is the future
- MajorStewie

But to get anywhere near what we have on HDDs is very expensive :P I will probably have a 1TB HDD and a 60GB SSD for my OS.
theyre releasing new generation intel chips *codenamed* haswell
- MajorStewie

That's a high speed, low power processor for notebooks.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

Finally! I have a final list of items, in green are the things I have paid. £611.82 is the total, and £491.84 is the price left to pay.

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