Evochron Legacy SE

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dexatron avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 2 years ago.

Everything Evochron, Space game, Trading, Mining, Fighting, Missions, Station Building, Planet Landings,

coloured textIf you're With the Casual Crew...Good things will happen to you!

dexatron avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 2 years ago.

If your looking for a great Space sim without needed a Beefy Computer check out https://www.starwraith.com/evochronlegacy/downloads.htm
this is a full working demo. There is also a Voice pack for the game that makes playing really fun.

Dexatron Laugh

coloured textIf you're With the Casual Crew...Good things will happen to you!

Hamy avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

This is one of those great videos. Looks like you've been looking for it for a long time. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate the video you sent.
color tunnel


miskas3 avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 month ago.

Hello. I fired up and testing out my evochron server on the new connection I recently had set up. Server is called “Frontiers” I would like it tested out for a bit before I move it to a dedicated box. Please feel free to give it a try. Single Player and Sandbox saves are disabled. Also looking for more players to collaborate with to start a group. I am in a few of the other evochron discords maybe see me also in those. More updates to come soon. Cheers.


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