Couple of questions on current state of X4

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vedabhyas avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

So I think it is safe to say that X4 had a... troubled launch. But it sounds like egosoft have done a LOT to fix it since and I loved X2 and enjoyed what I played of X3 (mostly ignored it as my PC couldn't run it at an acceptable performance rate for the first year or three). So before I go throw money at X4 during the next sale (looks like Steam has one right now)

The X series has always been an m+kb game because of the emphasis on menuing, but m+hotas was real nice in x2 and x3. Does X4 care if my throttle and stick are separate devices in windows? I know some games have big issues with folk who mix and match (or just use the thrustmaster pair)
VidMate Mobdro
What is the ship variety? I think it was X-Rebirth that went back to the OG X "you have one ship the entire game because it makes you care about your ship. Also, cockpits are really expensive" but I vaguely recall issues with what X4 decided to do meaning that non-Terran ships were few and far between. Which makes sense lore wise (was it the Teladi who breathed chlorine or whatever?) but... no.

How is the combat versus space trucking/idle game balance? In X2 especially, it felt like engaging in combat too early was a good way to enter a death spiral as even light damage to your hull/systems would result in a huge bill (again, realistic and again, no) and not having a strong factory network to pay for missiles just got annoying. Which was clearly what they were going for as the early X games very much have that Bova-esque "a capitalist hero will save the world by treating exploration and war as a business" going for it but... sometimes you just want to take a break to go boom boom rather than spending the first 5 hours of every save grinding solar panels and the like.

Speaking of: is there a Khaak equivalent for me to beat on without being at the mercy of pirate spawns or becoming one? Preferably with a name that will make me giggle (I think X3 focused on the Xenon? Which were the evolved Khaak?)

And I guess it matters a lot less these days but... how is the mod support?

Oh. And anything to know about buying? I assume I want all the DLC?


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