Absolute beginner with a absolute beginner questio

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forcemani avatar
Level badge Noguey (0)
Posted 1 year ago.

I have been in this subject for a bit now and have thoroughly enjoyed reading about everyone's adventures. But I just don't see how you guys get started! I have watched about 10 beginner guides and gone through the tutorials but I still feel lost when I start a game. What do you guys do to get going [/url]?


SpaceWizard avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

In a way I understand your question...

The guides (Youtube) try to give you hints, some of them no longer valid, by the way, for example going for Crystals no longer works.

It also depends which start you select. When you start you game, also there are guides for this and that, but it depends on personal experiences and preferences.

So - if you find it hard to get into the game, I recommend the 'Young Gun' start. Why? It is uncomplicated, and gives you total freedom. The Terran Cadet start is praised because it gives you more 'guidance', this is true, but I do not really like it. But you could try it too.

The different starts ALL lead to the same story line missions, in some ways in a slightly different order, but you can do them all with any start you select. So what does the start do for you? It gives your character a race (most are human, but the other races are possible too). It gives you a set amount of money and property, and then you are set free, more or less.

Young Gun gives you only very weak resources, you have a really weak ship, and only 10.000 Credits. I still find it ideal for beginners, as long as you do not die (or have a recent save), nothing bad can happen.

Now what to do? Just fly around. Ignore missions, or take only 'Very Easy' mission types. Usually you will meet enemies only at sector borders far outside, this you should avoid, because your ship is very weak. But you can explore the gate network. With Young Gun you have bad relations with several factions, Terrans, Zyarth and HOP, because you are an Argon. There are ways to change this, as you know from tutorials. Just never feel 'pressed' to do something, except you want to do it.

Next step: You should try to receive an income. The best way to do this is to set up miners. And the safest place for miners is the Oort Cloud, and since this is Terran you have a problem. Another place where you can setup miners is 'The Reach', which neighbors Argon Prime. Oort Cloud is much better, but while nobody will attack you (despite bad relations) you can neither land on stations nor sell your Ore. Your relations with Terrans are -15, you need them -9 or better. If you trade with them (-9) relations will become better soon, or you do missions for them.

Also the Player Headquarter (PHQ) story line mission can be started, depends on you. I like to postpone it a bit and try for a better ship, but it depends on your preferences. (The PHQ mission is started easily by just scanning any station, just fly around near a station, Help will kick in, and lead you a bit. In the end you will talk to a Boron (Boso Ta) which will ask you for help).

The entire idea of this game is Freedom, but you will need money. First you can loot in or after battles between factions, and sell the things you find. You can do Missions which all earn money.

So the generic description:

Fly around and explore the Gate Network. Improve relations with factions, or at least try to have very good relations to one faction.
Try to earn money and improve your ship. Buy a new ship in time, most player prefer a M ship, because it survives better and can do more.
Try to generate income by setting up a business. Because of piracy and pilot experience trading is NOT a good starting option. Mining works well, if you are careful. The two places I named above usually do not have problems with Khaak attacks. As soon as your business generates money you can do a lot more and build up.

Another method to generate your first income is the PHQ. This will cost around 1-2 million credits to start up, but when have a station, you can produce energy cells, all you need is a landing dock (which you will have in the course of the story mission anyway), an energy cell production module (in Young Gun you already own the blueprint) and a container storage unit (Young Gun also has this blueprint). Build this, and you will start to produce energy cells. If you just let it run your storage will become full, if you let it all run in automatic the price will go down, and at this point Faction ships will dock and buy energy cells. It won't make you rich, but it helps. If you want to take it a step further buy a 'Guillemot Vanguard' on Profit Center Alpha from the Teladi. One pilot will come with the ship, equip the ship (which is actually a warship!) accordingly. It is a S ship, and hast the best storage capacity, and the advantage, that as a warship it will be rarely attacked by pirates, if ever. Use this ship to deliver your energy cells yourself, for this give the ship to your PHQ manager (assign the ship to the station), and watch as it starts to deliver to stations around.

You cannot totally avoid generating money/income in this game, you can postpone it, but to avoid it, because later on you will want and need lots of money. But there is no time limit at all. Take your time, experiment and find out what you like.


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