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AlexanderSziller avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 10 years ago.

I created a account quite long time ago, but wasn't active, because I forgot the password.
Somehow managed to guess it now, so here Iam (wrote that password down, so that I won't forget).

Known as Earth Ultimatum IV. on official Egosoft forums, and as Scimitar101 on steam.
Steam account link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024673218
Feel free to add me. Please, ignore that VAC ban - I got it for modifying my FoV in a game, without knowing that it's illegal.

Played a X game for the first time in 2004 - I was just a 8 year old boy back there.
Imagine a 8 year old boy playing X2, barely knowing the controls? Hehe. Well, at least the game was unbelievably immersive back then. And there were Xenons. I love those dudes.

And I stayed with the X series in good AND in bad.
And I belong to those few who actually like Rebirth. Even through I must say that the game is certainly not finished, and my FPS is jumping between 50 and 45 only thanks to the lowest possible graphical settings, and heavy usage of graphic-tweaking mods.

Played lot of Call of Duty: Black Ops II multiplayer while waiting for Rebirth to be released.
Not to confuse - the game is quite meh, but I like that there are TONS of stuff to unlock, like camos, playercards, challangies, emblems and similar absolutely meaningless stuff. Yes, I like to collect things.
Especially when waiting for Egosoft to release their next game.

Hope you guys are having great lives in there.
If anybody of you fellas knows a steam user called "mmmcheesywaffles", greet him from me.


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 10 years ago.


I looked at your profile and I see you only have 2.5 hours in Civ5. I take it you can't get into the game either? Everybody says it is the greatest game ever created but I just don't like it!


AlexanderSziller avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 10 years ago.


I looked at your profile and I see you only have 2.5 hours in Civ5. I take it you can't get into the game either? Everybody says it is the greatest game ever created but I just don't like it!
- Sinxar

I mainly play games that are very immersive.
I couldn't immerse in Civ5.
Yes, its detailed and deep, and bla bla... I respect that.
But I couldn't immerse. Certainly not after playing the Total War games, which got a much better combat system. I mean, they DO have a combat system... Smile Also they have generals and special units, as spies and assassins.


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