Hello Ya'll

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Liyanin avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 5 years ago.

Well I'm new to the forums here but not new to gaming. been gaming since .... Pong .... My folks owned the very first ever console game. I got older and used the Atari 2600, then eventually found the Nintendo, then eventually Pcs. At that point I knew what my addiction is. So I found this little gem of a website through other sources for Elite Dangerous specifically. I'm relatively new to the game and hope I can actually do something worth doing in there.

Hope to see ya'll out there. Big grin


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 5 years ago.

hi there, thanks for explaining some back history. I personally never went the Atari route, but the BBC instead, then more Sega than Nintendo until the N64.

Anyway, good luck with the game. Post if you have problems, im sure people here should be willing to help out.



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