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Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
Its simply too many values to work-out myself, we talking like 200-400 ships (with my mod). I just need to know what the formula is, then they could all be correct in the matter of minutes.
Miltaguey (15)
Miltaguey (15)
So the formula will apply to the ships in your mod, whether you like it or not, I take it. I suppose I could look into how to correct the formula, but I think I need more information on how that formula works. I need Tships from X3:Reunion also. You do realize though that this would be a major effort to derive a formula almost from scratch that fits the data? I can probably do it, but it might take days with my current slowness of thought.
Miltaguey (15)
Miltaguey (15)
Congratulations, it appears you have fixed the steering numbers. I've spot checked a few in game and so far so good. With that, I believe your X3 database is now likely to be either completely or almost completely correct. I had known about steering values for some time and I hadn't mentioned it sooner because I was considering these issues one at a time. Fixing the acceleration range was the other one and once we started that it was natural to fix this one at the same time. This was the last thing on the queue of things I knew needed to be fixed.
Don't forget to let Exogenesis know how to fix their acceleration formula for X3 ships in their viewer.
Don't forget to let Exogenesis know how to fix their acceleration formula for X3 ships in their viewer.
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
Well checking my version of Exogenesis viewer, the acceleration is mostly correct (only differs like 0.1 at times, although the arrow seem totally different). Are there many in Exogenesis viewer which are wrong? if so, ill PM him and let him know.
To reguard of the queue .. well I am expecting X3AP v2.0 very soon, so ill probably have to update a load of X3AP stuff then. This is why wrote an CSV compare yesterday (shown in blogs).
Anyway, thanks for the suggestions - we managed to get a lot of things fixed/improved.
To reguard of the queue .. well I am expecting X3AP v2.0 very soon, so ill probably have to update a load of X3AP stuff then. This is why wrote an CSV compare yesterday (shown in blogs).
Anyway, thanks for the suggestions - we managed to get a lot of things fixed/improved.
Miltaguey (15)
Miltaguey (15)
Send him a PM. They aren't even close overall, they are about as off as your steering numbers were. For example, they have Arrow at 20-40, you and my X3 game in game have it at 20-80. Others are closer, but still off, like the Hyperion, where they have 4.98 - 13.9 and reality is 4.98 - 12.45. Send him your formula, it will fix his problem.
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
Exogenesis has came back now, and said that the viewer uses same formula as the site but it uses rudder tunings rather than engine tunings. He will update it if there is another version of the viewer. Oh and says well spotted.
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