New and updated media pages

Monday 6th August, 2012 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 1 comments

Today I have been re-working the media pages for all x-sites. In the past they were hidden under the info section. For many x-games this was rather pointless as the info page was basically empty. Next I have updated 2 modules on the site: videos and pictures.

Videos have been greatly expanded on now, anyone can add their own videos to a set number of categories. Say you took a really great video footage of a battle in X3AP then posted it on youtube for all to see. Now you can add into the battle section for some extra views. I will also add video pages for each ship: meaning if anyone wants to add a video for certain ship that will be possible too: whether its a review on a ship, tips or your first test flight.

The second update pictures now features a new and improved uploader. It can now handle images up-to 1280 x 1024, rather than just the one page image (700 x 394). However due to the number of changes in the code, we need to restart. Only staff members can upload pictures to the site - and I encourage them to upload a few pictures for any x-game they like (X2, X3 etc). It would be good if we had around 10-12 images for each game.

Anyway, hope you like the new changes.

[update] X-Rebirth prerelease images have been updated to 720p. Whilst not as high resolution as egosoft (1920 x 1080), should make the fair more viewable than the old 700 x 394. I dont support bigger than 720p, as the image size greatly soars for just a little more detail. However 720p offers a massive improvement over 700 x 394. I dont have unlimited resources :p


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