Split Jaguar (m5)

Ship picture
This ship is the successful replacement to the ageing Wolf that was in service since the Split first started to construct ships. The Jaguar is capable of increased speed and increased firepower to the expense of cargo space. This ship is primarily used as a scout craft, due to its speed, mainly as it is unable to do anything more.

id SS_SH_S_M5
Hull strength 800 points
Shields 2 x 1 MJ Shield (31 secs, 100% efficiency)
Acceleration 86.4 to 302.5m/s
Engine speed 134 to 469.7m/s (x25 engine tunings)
Turn speed 15.6 to 54.7rpm (x25 rudder tunings)
Weapon energy 1,200 (+ 30.0J/sec)
Cargo-bay 10 - 30 (S)
Price 27,750 credits (100 notoriety points)
Where to buy
Production at HQ
1 min, 26 secs.


4 x Cockpit
A-IRE Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
B-IRE Beta Impulse Ray Emitter
A-PAC Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon



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