Paranid Hyperion (m7)
Once owned by the Pontifex Maximus Paranidia and sailed under the name 'Trinity', this unique vessel was a prototype for a new M7 class of ship. The contract for the serial production of the ship was cancelled for financial reasons when the Paranid Defence Directorate decided to divert funds to its secret jumpgate project. The ship's awesome capabilities place it between an M6 and an M2-class vessel, it's astounding design the ultimate in Paranid innovation.
id | SS_SH_P_M7 |
Hull strength | 90,000 points |
Shields | 3 x 1 GJ Shield (66 mins, 51 secs, 100% efficiency) |
Acceleration | 5.0 to 12.5m/s |
Engine speed | 53 to 131.3m/s (x15 engine tunings) |
Turn speed | 2.0 to 5.5rpm (x18 rudder tunings) |
Weapon energy | 25,000 (+ 624.9J/sec) |
Hangar | 2 ships |
Cargo-bay | 1,333 - 3,333 (XL) |
Price | 25,000,000 credits (100,000 notoriety points) |
Production at HQ 21 hours, 40 mins, 33 secs. |
8 x Cockpit
Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
Beta Impulse Ray Emitter Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower Beta High Energy Plasma Thrower Mass Driver Ion Disruptor 3 x Rear turret
Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
Beta Impulse Ray Emitter Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower Alpha Phased Shockwave Generator Beta Phased Shockwave Generator Mobile Drilling System Tractor Beam 3 x Rear turret
Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
Beta Impulse Ray Emitter Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower Alpha Phased Shockwave Generator Beta Phased Shockwave Generator Mobile Drilling System Tractor Beam 2 x Front turret
Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
Beta Impulse Ray Emitter Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower Beta High Energy Plasma Thrower Beta Phased Shockwave Generator Gamma Phased Shockwave Generator 2 x Front turret
Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter
Beta Impulse Ray Emitter Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower Beta High Energy Plasma Thrower Beta Phased Shockwave Generator Gamma Phased Shockwave Generator |
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