Operation Loose Ends (Page 7 of 10)

Searching for the Unfocussed Jumpdrive
The first step is to talk to Captain Robert Pearle in Heretics End. Once there you will notice the old book marker:
Once within 25km range com with the station and talk to Cpt. Robert Pearle, tell him that you are looking for some information to regards of the Unfocussed Jumpdrive. Pearle will say he's called in a few favours, and has been able to get the access codes to the Goner Temple database. All you need to dock on it (in Elysium Of Light) and let your computer hack their database. This should give you all the information the Goners know about the Unfocussed Jumpdrive.
Please note that there is a lot of Argon ships in Elysium Of Light, so be careful. Once landed on the station (safe place), you will be thinking that your computer will automatically hack the database for you (like normal). However this time you need com with the station then select Goner Database:

After 'talking' to the database (shame mine doesnt), you get a message "what do you want?", in which press continue. You now have two options: automated password reset, or contacting technical support. If you contact technical support you will be sent another message, saying your query has been sent however the expected waiting time is: 4 years, 2 months, 23 days and 5 minutes (so quite speedy by our standards). So whatever the case you need to pick automated password reset (I doubt waiting will work, although Ive not tested that: havnt got 4 years to test it :p).
After selecting the password reset, you will be asked 4 questions to verify yourself. The first question being:
1. Revealing the truth is not always easy. Who was the first person to begin spreading the truth about earth and laid the foundation for our on-going work?
Noah Gaffelt,
Martinus Sandas,
Tendzin Gyatsho,
Nyana Gunne,
Noah Gaffelt,
Martinus Sandas,
Tendzin Gyatsho,
Nyana Gunne,
Dont worry if you get any of the questions wrong, you will have to restart the quiz. Anyway the answer to the first question is Martinus Sandas. After correctly answering the first question, your be given the next question:
2. Time changes everything, and so the Goners changed their name in the history of time. What was the name of our organisation before we became the 'Goners'?
Earth Seekers,
Descendants of Earth,
Truth About Earth Foundation,
Historians of Terra,
Earth Seekers,
Descendants of Earth,
Truth About Earth Foundation,
Historians of Terra,
The answer is Truth About Earth Foundation. Now the thrid question:
3. Collecting and spreading text, audio and video data about Earth was one of the main tasks of the Goners.
What is the name of the book all Earth related information is stored in?
The Book of Earth,
The Book of Knowledge,
The Book of Enlightenment,
The Book of Truth,
The Book of Earth,
The Book of Knowledge,
The Book of Enlightenment,
The Book of Truth,
The answer is The Book of Truth Now the final question:
4. Everything is in motion. Even our glorious temple once called another sector home. What was the original location of our glorious temple?
Cloudbase South West,
Antigone Memorial,
Omicron Lyrae
Akeela's Beacon
Cloudbase South West,
Antigone Memorial,
Omicron Lyrae
Akeela's Beacon
For those who havnt played the older games, the answer is Cloudbase South West.
After getting all four questions correct, your see Downloading... at the bottom of your screen.
After a short while it will be finished and the mission will complete.