Shady Business Plot (Page 2 of 12)

Okay, now we got the message the first thing to do is to talk to Fui'ktt over in Thyn's Excavation (around the bottom right of the map). So once youre ready, travel to Thyn's Excavation and com with Fui'ktt (who's aboard the Split Strong Arms HQ).Fui'ktt will explain about Split marriage, however the Split bridle has gone missing. Fui'ktt will offer you some credits, but instead you decide to search for her for some designs. The first thing to do is ask Kao t'Nnk in Family Phy (bottom / left of map).
When you enter the sector your see the Stock-Exchange is high-lighted. After a few seconds a message will pop-up from a nearby ship. So instead of contacting Kao t'Nnk, talk to the pilot. The pilot will offer to pay you triple for the location of the AWOL bridle. Tell him youre think about the offer. Now conact Kao t'Nnk onboard the local stock-exchange.
Kao t'Nnk will tell you he has been tricked. The Split bridle has disappeared, and in the process stolen some engine parts. He won't tell you much else unless you give him the missing engine parts. For this you will need to deliver 250 x Quantum Tubes to the stock-exchange. You must personally dock the ship with the goods, otherwise it wont count if you try and do it remotely.
When you deliver all 250 x Quantum Tubes, Kao t'Nnk will tell you the Split bridle went to a cursed shipyard. So your will need to search for this cursed shipyard. After a few moments you will recieve the following message:
Hey, sorry if my business partner Leo Fisty made a bad impression. Let me introduce myself and give you my business credentials.
My name is Jako Sayreen and I work in Research and Development for Jonferco Space Dynamics Division. It's in our mutual interest for you to find Ho t'Sht, so if her trail gets cold, I'd be willing to offer up the services of our Data Acquisition Personnel if needed.
Swing by JSDD HQ in Belt of Aguilar if you're having problems figuring out where the Split Bridle went to.
My name is Jako Sayreen and I work in Research and Development for Jonferco Space Dynamics Division. It's in our mutual interest for you to find Ho t'Sht, so if her trail gets cold, I'd be willing to offer up the services of our Data Acquisition Personnel if needed.
Swing by JSDD HQ in Belt of Aguilar if you're having problems figuring out where the Split Bridle went to.
The shipyard he speaks of is in Family Pride.
Once in the sector, you will need to land on the shipyard to contact Chi Nu t'Pst.