Bernd Lehahn starts talking

Friday 6th January, 2012 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

It looks like Bernd Lehahn is started talking to community sites about Albion Prelude and future game: Rebirth.

The first is an audio interview with the site soulrift, where the two talk about x-games, future plans and goals. Its a good interview that last for 50mins and you get to hear what Bernd is like. The complete interview can be heard at A quick summarize (from my memory):

- Talking about how space games in general and how they could be improved,
- Talking about space lanes and the reason behind them,
- Explaining the story behind X3TC and some of the reason events,
- Why do stations go hostile when your turret hits them by mistake,
- Losing kills, as an M8 killed itself

In the second interview, Bernd talks to VP Blog about X3AP (these guys published the x-games on the mac). Some of the information you may already know but it might be worth a read regardless. The article be found on


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