A little more info on DVD and v2.0

Wednesday 22nd February, 2012 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

Egosoft have announced a little more information on the up-coming DVD release of X3AP, stating it will be released to the following plan, with the certain translations:

VersionTranslationRelease Dates
(all 2.0)PackagingVoiceTextAdd-onTerran War PackCountries
EnglishYesYesYes-9th MarchUK
GermanYesYesYes2nd March2th MarchGermany
FrenchYesYesYes-9th MarchGermany
ItalianYesNoYes-9th MarchItaly

Egosoft have also given the change list for v2.0, which has follows:

New Features and Improvements:

- New mini-plot: The HUB
- New mini-plot: Player HQ and UFJD
- New ships
- New graphs
- Added option to disable war reports
- Megalodon and Xenon I rebalanced and adjusted
- Introduced setup time for new lasertowers
- Made USC Baldric Miner available for purchase
- New sector music tracks in certain sectors
- Prevent purging all marines, so theres always some available
- Improved UI handling of typing repeated letters in text fields
- Improved graph axis display to use round numbers where possible
- Added minimum notoriety requirement for buying Lasertowers.
- Added achievements for new mini-plots
- Added war missions to stats export
- Added new script commands to support new graphs
- Added script command to get complex hangar of factory
- Added missing beacon, drone and mine classes to script editor class list
- Added action to Mission Director for setting notoriety between non-player races
- Added {object.realigntime@hub} variable for Mission Director for next available HUB gate realignment
- Added hue/saturation global parameters for "spare" races for use by modders


- Fixed more cases of stuck comms windows
- Fixed formatting of numbers in certain cases
- Fixed issues with missing voice when loading saved game in a different language
- Fixed attacked signal for Sector/Universe Trader
- Fixed weapon switching when going out of sector
- Fixed menu display for Defend Sector command
- Fixed RRF stopping ship commands when it shouldn't
- Fixed emergency jump and 100% shield recharge for RRF ships.
- Fixed duplicate actions when using Force option in Mission Director debug window
- Fixed duplicate events in Mission Director when a variable refers to the player ship
- Fixed changing of current sector background using in Mission Director

The only down-side is that the new mini-plots to unlock the Player HQ, UFJD and the Hub will only be available to non-terran games. So now there less reason for being an Terran!

If you wish to discuss about v2.0, then see here.


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