Fix needed for M8's

Tuesday 31st July, 2012 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 15 comments

Recently I repicked up X3AP after Egosoft added a new Terran plot. All was going well until I decided to explore Argon space with a Boron Megalodon. Nearly every single 'hostile' sector I visit a single M8 (Argon Gladiator) pop-ups and spams missiles like no tomorrow, as shown below:

News picture 27News picture 28

Pretty much everything I do is useless: there is simply too many missiles to deal with. This leaves me with 2 options: I have to jump with my M2 (because its scared of a single Argon Gladiator - a 5.4mil ship vs 128mil) or get blown up.

These M8 cause problems the other-way too: you can get given a kill mission, a few moments later a group of ships spawn in. If M8 a jumps in, it can launch a crazy amount of missiles - killing everything before you can get in range. This isnt so bad if you have a fast ship, as you get to the enemies much quicker. However big ships often struggle getting anywhere.

I know this isnt 'news' as such, however I want to bring attention of this problem, which is destroying the game for me. Do you agree that a fix is needed for the M8?


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