The first release; Rogueys X3AP Mod v1.0

Saturday 8th March, 2014 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 5 comments

Its been a long time in development, but the time has finally came to officially release the new mod for X3AP; Roguey's X3AP mod. If you been following the news, you might know some of the features of the mod - however if not here's a quick run-through;

    [*] A new universe to explore (317 sectors, with new planets, suns, backgrounds),
    [*] 49 more ships added from the X3-Mod (including the top-end M0 style ships),
    [*] A complete rebalance of all the lasers and missiles in the game,
    [*] More shield types added, such as XL and military ones,
    [*] The return of my old Hub, that allows capital ships to dock,
    [*] Return of the Auto-hull repair system, random events and random attacks,
    [*] New stations to find,

Whilst this is only a few of the points, it should give you some idea about the mod. Unfortunately this release does not contain a plot (and has a few things todo later). I am hoping that this release may encourage a MD writer or two to help (so a new plot can added in a future update). I would like to add a plot, but atm its more important to get a stable universe.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the mod. I will be very keen to see what you think (hopefully see activity around the mod). So why are you waiting? there's a new universe to be explored, built-in or conquered! So without waiting longer, why not click the banner below and get some more information:


I also want to thank the following people for their help and suggestions; XeNoN, Maverick, jjhawk.

UPDATE #1 Stats for shields, lasers and missiles added now.

UPDATE #2 Picture page now contains 16+ pictures for you to check-out.


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