Hangars and Launchers (Page 10 of 10)
Written by Deadbeat_SpinnThanks to
xavierd, for bringing up this much overlooked subject.
pjknibbs, for correctly deducing the number for hanger entries.
GCU Grey Area, for corrections on how many launchers the Xenon J has.
Triaxx2, for testing on the Ozias and corrections.
EmperorJon, for testing, providing feedback, and use of his Arena maps.
Tenlar Scarflame, for use of his Arena maps.
Roger L.S. Griffiths, for pointing out that I forgot to mention the M6/TS/TP/TM docking on the Valhalla.
Alex Vanderbilt, for creating the PDF version of the guide and corrections.
Myself, Deadbeat_Spinn_Spinn, for having the patience to write this.
pjknibbs, for correctly deducing the number for hanger entries.
GCU Grey Area, for corrections on how many launchers the Xenon J has.
Triaxx2, for testing on the Ozias and corrections.
EmperorJon, for testing, providing feedback, and use of his Arena maps.
Tenlar Scarflame, for use of his Arena maps.
Roger L.S. Griffiths, for pointing out that I forgot to mention the M6/TS/TP/TM docking on the Valhalla.
Alex Vanderbilt, for creating the PDF version of the guide and corrections.
Myself, Deadbeat_Spinn_Spinn, for having the patience to write this.
Version history
Version 1.0: Completion of Guide Ver. 1.0.
Version 1.1: Fixes, headers/ToC/detail content for M6/TM added .
Version 1.2: Imagery for TM's and Hyperion added, minor fixes/tweaks.
Version 1.3: Downloadable PDF version of the guide has been added, additional correction/fixes.
Version ?.?: ?.