Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 10 of 35)
Written by TTDOi waz a t'inkin'. Now it would be nice if Oi could 'ave me Ore mine mixed in wid me complex when Oi build it.. But that wold mean me 'avin' a means to put it there.
Oi asked a few guys at the bar and they zed loik ah culd be a wantin' a tractor beam.
" But where wuld Oi be a findin' one o them gidgits ?" Oi asked.
Then someone said there be factories bein sold in Third Redemption,a Paranid Super Shipyard has em.
So OI upped vrom me seat and went a huntin'. Somewhere south of Rolk's Legacy.In me Hydra now. Oi'm told that's the best ship Oi got for the job at the moment.
...OH #$%^&^%$. Bleedin' Pirate sector in the ways. Oi need that equipment if moi complex is gonna work out. Play cautious loik..."just passin' through guv...".......Where's That South Gate?....ships coming up from SSW. Readjust course to SSW. Ah thar she be. Small and blue. Oh well time to make coffee before oi get there.
Through the gate and there's the shipyard, but what's this Oi see ?There's a Tractor Beam Factory, up 'n' runnin' with 8 in stock. Cheaper for me to get one for now.
I get back to CBSE and look at what stations I have built. Right I just need that 25MJ shield production and the Ore mine... that's about 4.5 Million credits and Oi have about 1 M. Best let my traders do some more work....
...Meanwhile Oi'm off to get my new 2nd Hand Dolphin ready....
Well Oi went back to the Dolphin. It's a Super Freighter. That's two Oi 'ave now. Got it with a new pilot learnin' 'is trade in Ore Belt.
Now Oi 'ave the 4.5 M credits but 'ave me a Vulture Tanker, a waitin' for upgrade so Oi'l just do that now an' see about my complex buildin' after.
So Oi'm heading off to Kingdom End for the Ore Mine M and then down to Paranid Prime for the Shield production.
The Boron Supply Orca is on 'is way to CBSE and Oi'm a goin' to Paranid prime now.
That's sorted. Back to Ore Belt. Send the Vulture Tanker tradin'. Junp into a Demeter Minor that a retiring Argon had no more need for. 55% hull? No problem. Transfer some shields overstocked on the vulture Tanker and I'm off agin, killing time 'til those supply ships arrive. I have about 3 M cr and need only 63,750 for all the Complex Construction Kits from the shipyard at CBSE.
Here you will see the layout of my complex prior to adding the mine and CCKs (Complex Construction Kits)
Where possible, it looks neater if you position similar factories together. Can you guess where the Mine will go?
Award yourself a peanut if you said in the space next to the the SSPs and Bofu Chemical Lab.
Now to get the Ore Mine. I have fitted the Tractor Beam to the front of my M6 Hydra. In my main game I fitted it to the front of a Skiron and I find it much easier than jumping into the rear turret, each time I want to us it.
Note I am quite close and I aim near the top of the mine. Some players actually fly away first, at the projectory of the central column and then come back for a direct hit. Wherever you connect,it will orient itself towards you as you start to pull away and tow it.Then it will stabalise. Right then,if we are all ready,we will tow our factory to the desired spot and orientation. As the mine follows you,you will have to make your first stop a little ways away from where you want it, then moved to just beyond where you want it with the mine facing towards you.
You will see from the next pic how it follows behind.
Now buy your CCks and connect the furthest two stations from where you want your docking hub to be.... Ask captain to drop station here ,as you did for the stations. First select the first station, then the second. You will then have a flashing hub-cursor which you can move to wher you would like the Hub to be. If it flashes red,then you are too far from your first two stations.Just move back a bit.
I was lucky with my first go at this complex...
I will say now that it is best to save before you start tese connections. And save each time you are happy with the connection. Otherwise you may make a mistake and have to start again from the beginning. Likewise with station placements.
Next I will show you how to position the docking hub to face the way you want it and how to correct a wrongly positioned hub.