Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 12 of 35)

Written by TTD

Ramblings of an Argon Nephew, written by TTD

The Discoverer is busy putting Adv Sats where I have been. This will give me quick trade access to each sector they put in.

Meanwhile I have returned to Legends Home to think of what to do with the credits that are beginning to role in. All those 2nd Hand traders working for me are really doing well now.I have reach the point where I am giving them UT status.

However, if any of you are wondering what to do with Freight Drones then take a look here...

So, I have got 13,543,635 credits and increasing as I type.

I am in Legend's Home at the OTAS Shipyard. My passport says I am a Harmless, Master Industrialist (0,73%)
Argon Federation Marshall ......44%
Boron Queen's Guard..............64%
Split Shameless Creature........79%
Paranid Priest Protectorate.....78%
Teladi Profit Opportunity..........91%

No licence with Split or Teladi.

To buy the Boreas I need to be Argon Federation Overwatch, but otherwise they will let me buy any other ship.

And although I am not doing much for the Teladi, they have just upgraded me to Company Helper 17%. Maybe those two hired hands ARE helping me after all.

Well I pop over to the OTAS HQ and get me a Triplex scanner and see if any 2nd hand ships are worth getting. Find myself an Express. 62% shields. Now I have credits rolling in,I could consider paying for repairs. Not for now, though. I'll give it ajump drive and fuel and send it to Ore Belt, as normal.

Argon Shipyard will let me buy any ship except Colossus, Titan and Minotaur. Again I need to be Federation Overwatch.

It is one of those rare occasions when I am allowed to buy ten of nearly any ship I choose, but I will leave it for now.At least I know I can buy a Heavy Centaur for very little more than I have.

Headed North to Akeela's Beacon and searched four SPP's oi bin told were there.And then docked at the cheapest to refuel. Meanwhiles oi not shameless any more...jus' creature, though oi'm not even in their sectors yet. They must be a buyin' vrom my gomplex.

Now oi've heard about those "strawbags", the Split are not good tempered, but I know they are beggining to take notice of me and trade enough with me to up my status with them. Oi've also heard that they be almost giving away their TLs at under 20,000,000 credits. But Oi need to know where they be based.

I dock at the shipyard at Light of heart and discover one of Julians franchises.Argon caffe+ Terran Caramel... Yup just what Oi be a needin' roight now...and maybe a bit of information...

...."Well who wants to pay nearly thirty mil for a TL when you can get one for nearly half the price?"said a young Teladi on the table next to me.

I caught his eye and said "Well they say you get what you pay for, and everyone knows that Argon quality does not come cheap. They make good battle ships and many military fabricators have set up shop assisting in Mammoth production."

"That may be true" he replied, fixing me a stare, "But what would you give me for the whereabouts of a shipyard that sells slightly smaller TLs at good prices...and I don't mean pirate stuff either ?"

Now that's the trouble with Teladi. They tell you half of what you want to know for free.... Then charge you for the other half.

....A few hours later I'm one my way to find this shipyard.He said the nearest one is at the heart of the Split Empire. A place called Family Pride......One drawback though. Not on my computer charts, and there's another Pirate sector to go through.At least Oi'm still in me Hydra.

Uncle always said,if you travel alone,don't travel empty.Young as Oi was in them there days, Oi thought he meant lack pleasure compensated by good food. Embarassed But havin' done some trading, I know what he meant. Even if he privately thought the same as me. lol

So Oi have bin tradin' e-cells an ore on my ways. Met a couple of my UT pilots along the ways. They'd bin a monot'rin me to see if Oi could lead them to some good bargains. They're in for a bonus for usin' their 'eds and not the books.Who'd pass up sellin' ore for 206?

*Rant *Rant *Rant *Rant

That Teladi forgot to tell me somethin'.

My passport says Split creature 20%, The Split won't sell me a TL until they consider me Distinguished Associate.!!! Hmm. Looks loik Oi need some traders in Split sectors.

Time to call in my TM again. Need to get them new 2nd hand ships turned into traders.

Oi 'ave bin tinkin' over ta situation and Oi need a TL.
Oi culd goo back ta Legends Home but there are some unexplored regions out here, so Oi recon Oi moit just explore my way back to Kingdom End.Oi'lzee if Oi can't get sumtin' worth 'avin on the way though.

Now p'rusin' me uncle's maps Oi think Oi goe west,then north then west,but Oi don't mind if Oi be side tracked into business alongs ta way.

Well Oi thought maybe the Teladi would be a bit more reasonable. After all...they are benefiting from my complex. "A bit " was just it. No Albatross for me,but They would allow me something quite small.

"Sorry guv," oi zed, "but oi 'ave a few of them thar flies at home awaitin repair.How about swapping my..."

Oi broke off. The fixed stare of disbelief on the Teladi's face was a sight to be seen. Very Happy Oi left with a big grin on my face."there's no PROFITSSS in swap!" he yelled as Oi disappeared into the corridor.

Oi went off to pay moi respects to Queen Atreus. Moi apparent devotion to her seems to have paid off. Coming through the east gate of Kingdom End,Oi did not swerve quick enough to avoid collision and rather than be demoted, which usually 'appens,Oi am noo ah Graduate Exclamation

And Oi 'ave got me an Orca,so Oi need ta do ah bit o' study now,woil Oi get 'er outfitted. Oi'l 'ave ta get in touch wid a few people an' voind out where Oi kin git ta best stations at the roight prices.

Now Oi 'ave bin t'inkin' that if Oi don't want ta draw too much attention from the Teladi Oi should na be tradin' in owt major, zo Oi just be a factory trader in secondary goods.Teladi says not much profitss thar so Oi won't be a gittin in their way.

But first I need to get some favour so I get in my newly equipped Orca, jump to Family Pride and find they want a Paranid PAC Factory. Check the purchase stock agency(Xadrian's) and they tell me I can get the nearest supply in Third Redemption. Thanks Master Xadrian.A great help.

Talking idle chat to people at the bars can turn up some very useful information sometimes.

I have over 5 mill and the station costs over 4 mill.

Take the station back to Split space and place it on the beacon. I get promoted to Friend and my balance is now over 12 million

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