Ramblings of an Argon Nephew (Page 35 of 35)
Written by TTD
Well, Norman was sat on his decking, lower legs just loosely hang down towards a two metre drop. Coffee by the side of him,and holding his docu-pad. In front of him was Lake Atreus.He was watching the Boron TPs and TSs come and go,while thinking what more to jot down.
" Good afternoon, Mr Feisty.", came a voice from behind him. Slightly annoyed at being interrupted from his thoughts, he glanced back casually to see who the familiar voice belonged to.
"Dermot?Dermot O'Brien?"
"The very same sir." he replied with a grin on his face.
"Come hear boy.Sit down and admire the view.What brings you here?"
"Good to see you Norman." he said as he slid down to sit with his legs also hanging in space. " I was on my way to collect some more Nividium. Heard you were here,so made a detour."
"Thankyou Dermot. I trust your new employer treats you well?"
"Yes sir.Although things are quiet now, so he allows me to pursue my hobby a bit more ."
"Have you found any answers yet?"
" I think I am close.That is why I need some more Nividium."
"Just see my clerk before you leave. He will fix you some papers so you can get some from my ships down there.... I really want to get back to work. As soon as I can.Peace can get boring sometimes."
"There is no hurry sir.Our friends are well versed in New-tech procedures and they are busy placing supply complexes in all the sectors they can. Your personal ship has been return to base in Duke's Vision and being refitted... New software has become available and upgraded. These are being fitted too,so you will be able to access you empire much easier now."
"Well thank you for the updates.All I get from those at the helm is 'Everything under control sir. We'll keep you informed of anything you need to know sir.' It's frustrating not being so actively involved."
" Yes I know, Norman, But you want to live long enough to complete your goal. You had too much stress, high blood pressure and your heart would not have lasted much longer, had you continued. You are still the boss and all your friends are keen to see you back at the helm,but this time,please delegate more responsibilities."
"very well,but it won't be easy."
"I see they still allow you coffee,Norman."
"Yeah,but they only supply caffeine free "
Command Centre,
Duke's Vision.
Dear Mr Fiesty,
Hope your recuperation sees you well.
Just to let you know the expansionist program you started is still going well.Will clear the main Argon areas soon.
We had a slight problem with some of the Duke's Buccaneers. It's a good job our traders have the sense to carry fighter drones.Two Nemesis were down to under 40% hull By the time I got there. Used that last special ship you had us equip just before your stay at Lake Atreus.
Full throttle, all guns blazing straight at the first Nemesis. Then off to recharge...Repeated twice and she was space debris. Then recharge and back for the second. Knocked it down to 1% hull , but the Zeus had gained space on me by then and pounded hard. Back into the void to recharge and survey what had happened.
The rest of the buccaneers decided to join in.More red blips and the Duke had canceled docking rights.
I had tried negotiations first , but you know how stubborn they can be. So I called in the Akuma to finish things off.
Then me and my mate did a few build missions.The next wave of Buccaneers were ok.But it still left Duke's Haven to sort out.
I went collecting all the spoils of war etc that kept falling from traders whom the Buccaneers played with. Sold what I could and dumped what I could not get rid of easily. Kept looking for missions and finally a friendly Pirate hacked Duke's Haven.
So I'm back at base again,continuing the duties you had got assigned me.
Get fit and we'll be ready for you.
Or so Tolgarth thought. He was summoned to the security office.The clerk eyed him up and down.
"Er yes.If you say so." replied Tolgarth, uncertain of the tone coming from this clerk, whom he had not met before.
"Look, I may be new here,but I have heard of your reputation. Just wanted to be sure, that's all."
"Ok then. Can I see the Director of Sector Security now?"
"ok," he said, allowing Tolgarth through to the director's office.
" Ah Tolgarth. At last we meet ! Things have been moved around a bit and everyone has moved up the ladder a bit. So it is good to meet you.Let's not waste precious time. I had your report on the Buccaneers problem sent to me for personal examination. I see you are tough,but know when you need assistance. For that reason, I am appointing you as first call on all sector defense problems across our expanding empire. Your next mission is to clear a Kha'ak Cluster out of Cloudbase South West."
"Thankyou sir", he saluted. Perhaps a little over done,but he wanted to get his footings right with the new director. He'd become rather relaxed with the chief of security,and these changes meant he had to keep a good profile. "When do I leave,and can I take the Advanced Barracuda again sir?"
"if that's your ship of choice then fine.You can leave as soon as it's been cleaned up from your last adventure... erm mission." he said with a slight smile.
Sometime later he was in CBSW, racing full speed at the centre of the cluster. He had 8x Hepts on board, but experience told him to use 1,2,5 and 6 to give a longer energy supply.
Straight in and the fighter was no more. Continue forward to raise shields. Target scout. Turn and fire. Rinse and repeat. Dodge and outrun a few missiles and back for the last final kills. Shields never dropped below 70%. Dock at Trading station for a well deserved pint of pilots best ale. Send in report and bed for the night.
"Well that was pretty standard dog-fighting today." he thought as he took off his pilots jacket. "Nice to be behind some guns again. Hope Norman approves. I wonder what else his corporation offers? I was sure lucky to find him when I did."
Norman sat at his desk monitoring the universal news dispatches....
" Teladi officials at PTNI HQ are forecasting lower profits this Jazura. This last Mazura showed an unacceptable decline the CEO stated. ' We have our theories as to why,and are are looking more closer at various other Corporation's dealings, so that we can establish a level playing field. As it stands, it is not acceptable." he stated. ...Peace negotiations are underway following a recent incursion into Argon space by the nearby Paranid....
...Split are are getting a little skittish of late after seeing a large Boron war fleet building up on their borders. The Boron,a usually peaceful race ,have embarked on securing their boarders,allowing ships with peaceful intent to continue trading as usual, but tightening a grip on incursions, following recent events in in Argon space. Split say " Go away...leave us alone.Boron must stop our important missions"...
There have been a number of complaints about pilots offering to retrieve expensive ships for various races and then refusing to transfer ownerships.It is thought the Yaki are behind this,as the police track the stolen ships to Yaki space before being hit hard by the Yaki...."
Norman chuckled to himself..."Oi zee things are gettin' better then..." he said out loud. "Yes Norman.They are.But we need military back-up, now that the Teladi are monitoring us." came a familiar soft voice from behind him.
Norman spun round in his seat, nearly toppling off in surprise. He had been so engrossed in self indulgence, that he had not noticed anyone enter.
A not so battle worn ,woman with scarred lips stood before him. She smiled reassuringly ... "Hello Norman.It's been a long time..." she trailed off, just looking at the surprised expression on his face.
She was now wearing a military uniform with his corporation's insignia. But a vague memory of a not so lonely night came back to him.
"Hmm sorry. I do not remember your name, but I am thankful for the exchange all that time ago." he said apologetically.
"Well maybe we can have more 'exchanges' again sir,if you desire.Since I have been sent to prepare you for your return to duties, we will be spending much time together here going over recent events in the universe and how your corporation is in need of your direction. I see you have kept an eye on things, so i would like a walk with you by Lake Menelaus, if you are in agreement? I am sure there are many questions you have,not least how it is I am wearing this uniform. By the way, my name is Leila"
Norman tried to do some fishing one sunny day down at Lake Menelaus. There was an embarrassing moment when he accidentally hooked a young Boron who had been swimming past looking for food.