Dock and factory info on ware pages

Friday 8th July, 2011 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 3 comments

In the recent day, I have restarted x3tc with the bankrupt assassin start. I picked up some gauss ammunition and thought I could check my site to see where it was sold. However after looking I couldnt find the information.

So I been changing the ware section around. At first I wrote some code to check docks rather than factories for certain types goods of goods (like weapons). This worked but meant the information on which factories make these goods was replaced.

Today Ive improved the ware code further. The ware code can now display where goods sold at docks and/or factories and format the page correctly. Because of the increase complexity of the code, a cached version is now created.

So if the ware is sold by a dock, this means a unique station like a trading dock, pirate base, shipyard or equipment dock. However if it says factory then it means which type of stations make this good. Listing each factory which makes a ware would lead to very large lists, just think how many solar power plants make energy cells in the X-galaxy.


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