ATF Matter/Anti-Matter Mine (M5)

Ship picture
Matter/Anti-Matter Mines are made and used by the Terran USC. It is considered illegal for anyone to deploy or have possession of these without the proper authorisation.

Hull strength 200 points
Shields 0 x 1 MJ Shield ( secs, 100% efficiency)
Acceleration 0.0 to 0.0m/s
Engine speed 0 to 0.0m/s (x0 engine tunings)
Turn speed 0.0 to 0.0rpm (x0 rudder tunings)
Weapon energy 0 (+ 0.0J/sec)
Cargo-bay 1 - 1 (T)
Price 25,000 credits (100 notoriety points)
Production at HQ
3 mins, 15 secs.


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