Understanding factions
This should be another easy file to understand, as once again we will editing one file, this time; factions.xml in libraries folder of the dat/cat's.Now open the file with your editor, and you should see something like:
<faction id="plutarch" name="{20203,201}" description="{20203,202}" primaryrace="argon" behaviourset="default" known="1" tags="police protective">
<icon active="faction_plutarch" inactive="faction_plutarch" />
<licence type="hazardousmaterials" name="{20207,1401}" description="{20207,1402}" icon="licence_hazardmats" minrelation="0.1" price="1300" />
<licence type="intelligence" name="{20207,1301}" description="{20207,1302}" icon="licence_intelligence" minrelation="0.75" price="5200" />
<licence type="intoxicants" name="{20207,1501}" description="{20207,1502}" icon="licence_intoxicants" minrelation="0.2" price="2100" />
<licence type="military" name="{20207,1201}" description="{20207,1202}" icon="licence_military" minrelation="0.5" price="3800" />
<licence type="pharmaceuticals" name="{20207,1601}" description="{20207,1602}" icon="licence_pharma" minrelation="0.2" price="2600" />
<licence type="police" name="{20207,1101}" description="{20207,1102}" icon="licence_police" minrelation="0.35" price="3400" maxlegalscan="3" />
<licence type="protectedspecies" name="{20207,1701}" description="{20207,1702}" icon="licence_protect" minrelation="0.1" price="1700" />
<relation faction="albionenergy" relation="0.2" />
<relation faction="argongovernment" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="beryll" relation="0.3" />
<relation faction="canteran" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="criminal" relation="-0.8" />
<relation faction="enemy" relation="-0.8" />
<relation faction="familyryak" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="friend" relation="0.8" />
<relation faction="heartofalbion" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="hereticvanguards" relation="-0.8" />
<relation faction="leddaindustrial" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="nolimits" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="reivers" relation="-0.6" />
<relation faction="smuggler" relation="-0.4" />
<relation faction="sovereignsyndicate" relation="-0.8" />
<relation faction="wholesomefoods" relation="0.1" />
<relation faction="xenon" relation="-0.8" />
<icon active="faction_plutarch" inactive="faction_plutarch" />
<licence type="hazardousmaterials" name="{20207,1401}" description="{20207,1402}" icon="licence_hazardmats" minrelation="0.1" price="1300" />
<licence type="intelligence" name="{20207,1301}" description="{20207,1302}" icon="licence_intelligence" minrelation="0.75" price="5200" />
<licence type="intoxicants" name="{20207,1501}" description="{20207,1502}" icon="licence_intoxicants" minrelation="0.2" price="2100" />
<licence type="military" name="{20207,1201}" description="{20207,1202}" icon="licence_military" minrelation="0.5" price="3800" />
<licence type="pharmaceuticals" name="{20207,1601}" description="{20207,1602}" icon="licence_pharma" minrelation="0.2" price="2600" />
<licence type="police" name="{20207,1101}" description="{20207,1102}" icon="licence_police" minrelation="0.35" price="3400" maxlegalscan="3" />
<licence type="protectedspecies" name="{20207,1701}" description="{20207,1702}" icon="licence_protect" minrelation="0.1" price="1700" />
<relation faction="albionenergy" relation="0.2" />
<relation faction="argongovernment" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="beryll" relation="0.3" />
<relation faction="canteran" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="criminal" relation="-0.8" />
<relation faction="enemy" relation="-0.8" />
<relation faction="familyryak" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="friend" relation="0.8" />
<relation faction="heartofalbion" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="hereticvanguards" relation="-0.8" />
<relation faction="leddaindustrial" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="nolimits" relation="-0.1" />
<relation faction="reivers" relation="-0.6" />
<relation faction="smuggler" relation="-0.4" />
<relation faction="sovereignsyndicate" relation="-0.8" />
<relation faction="wholesomefoods" relation="0.1" />
<relation faction="xenon" relation="-0.8" />
Now let's break-down the file.
First line
The first line of a faction object defines the basic things for the faction. ie. <faction id="plutarch" name="{20203,201}" description="{20203,202}" primaryrace="argon" behaviourset="default" known="1" tags="police protective">
Item | Desc. |
id="plutarch" | Used by the game to reference the faction. |
name="{20203,201}" | The name of the faction, from the language files; page 20203, id 201. |
description="{20203,202}" | The description of the faction, from the language files; page 20203, id 202. |
primaryrace="argon" | The default race for this faction, ie. Argon, Boron etc.. |
behaviourset="default" | Unknown at this time |
tags="police protective" | Unknown at this time |
Now the the next thing will be licences. Not all factions have licences, but for those who do, here is another break-down:<licence type="hazardousmaterials" name="{20207,1401}" description="{20207,1402}" icon="licence_hazardmats" minrelation="0.1" price="1300" />
Item | Desc. |
type="hazardousmaterials" | Defines the game-name licence, used in wares.xml |
name="{20203,201}" | The name of the licence, from the language files; page 20207, id 1401. |
description="{20203,202}" | The description of the faction, from the language files; page 20207, id 1402. |
icon="licence_hazardmats" | The icon for this faction, defined in icons.xml. |
minrelation="0.1" | The required good-will before you can buy the licence |
price="1300" | The price of the licence |
In this section the factions relations are defined, ie. if they are hostile or not to another faction.<faction="xenon" relation="-0.8">
The first value is the name of the faction (found else-where in the file). Whist the relation defines if they are hostile or not. -3 being hostile, +3 being allies.