Jonferson Space Systems (faction)
Jonferson Space Systems \(formerly known as 'Jonferson Space Dynamics Division', or 'JSDD'\) is a technological powerhouse, linked with research and manufacture of ships, station modules, propulsion and defences. With historical ties to the Terrans and highways this corporation has had a major impact on the known universe giving it much influence in Omicron Lyrae. It is not known if any of its other subsidiaries are enjoying as much favour in other distant systems.Faction licences
- hazardousmaterials (not yet done)
- intoxicants (not yet done)
- pharmaceuticals (not yet done)
- protectedspecies (not yet done)
Ships used
If you wish to see which ships the uses, please click here.Default relations
Below is a list of relations to this faction, Jonferson Space Systems. The range goes between -30 (enemy) to +30 (ally).