Plot #1 guide (Page 30 of 43)

The assault
Now its time to put Nakano's plan into action. When you reach Crimson Rocks a small cinematic will play, spinning the camera around the ship. You will now receive a data-burst explaining about the recent uprisings and defections happening to PMC. This is the best time to strike.So now its time to cripple a few Taranis ships, by destroying their sub-systems. This may take awhile, as these ships are also supported by hostile fighters and fairly powerful drones. I suggest the drone launchers are your first targets, then take out the turrets and shield generators (missiles will help here - I found SunStalkers useful).
With the Taranis's crippled, Nakano will contact you and say that a bunch of Reivers ships are now joining the fight. These ships are now protecting the Plutarch ships - Have Plutarch formed an alliance with the Reivers?
In any-case Plutarch and Reivers ships are too powerful, and you start to lose a few ships.