A second day at Fedcon

Monday 2nd May, 2011 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 2 comments

If you did not know there was a second day that egosoft presented at Fedcon. This time Egosoft wanted to show people at Fedcon only... I guess because of its alpha status. Alpha status means the game is still being worked on, so things could change between now and its final release. A big thanks to Maxxler for all his recordings and N.Y.X for translating the text below. Not all of us could go to Fedcon, so here's what was said:

"As said, in the lower corner it always says alpha-footage for a good reason. It is all not finished and therefore has not been published yet, however I’m afraid it has already been filmed, as I can see some lenses. Whatever, you should know it is not finished yet, so a lot of things can still change, but you could see some of the things I have mentioned before. There are very big space stations with a huge number of ships, and rich life and a lot of details and our goal is to bring a certain credibility to that life, that you really have a universe where you experience a life of thousands or even millions of people that all have a daily life and when I do something with them, when I do missions, when I trade with them, when I build stations for them, then I change the universe. In the beginning I can do that on a very low level and later on I can do this to a higher extent. And when I play through the before mentioned plot, so to say the story of the game, it is just an introduction, because we want to keep the sandbox-character of the game, a game where I set my own goals, where I can freely develop, nevertheless the plot is an important beginning and it shall be exciting and great and when it has at some point reached its top, when it has reached its goal, then it releases the player in an even greater universe with more opportunities to change the universe and it is up to the player what he will do next and what kind of goals he will set for himself. They can do the same, as we know it from the preceding games. Ok, actually that’s the end of the presentation. If anyone has a question…. Oh yes, there are a couple of arms raising. Maybe it’s better if you come closer, because I won’t hear you - just a little bit."

Will there be Submenus, like a 3D-Universe map?

"Well, the details of the user interface can’t be presented at the moment and it’s simply not finished yet, but of course what we try is to establish a totally different sort of user interface, as I have mentioned before. There won’t be menus after menus you have to navigate through, nevertheless there is information to be received. You can call that a menu, but we don’t call it a menu, because it is presented in a different way. It is due to the fact that everything has something to do with humans, who present the information. This changes the way how menus are shown."

Will there be a cockpit-perspective, like in a previous game - like X2?

"I’m not sure how good the camera has been, that stood over there, so unfortunately yes there is."

For all ship models?

"No, no, no… At the moment we can’t speak about it in detail. You must have a little more patience, but not for a very long time. Very soon we will show more, but yes, let’s say there will be one cockpit and this is going to be pretty great and you will see it very soon"

Will it be playable on a Mac or only on a PC?

"It’s not sure, but it will be playable on a PC (hahaha). I’d like to see it on a Mac, but we haven’t done it ourselves yet, so it is a question what we can manage and at the moment... And if so, than it is going to happen later than in the case of the PC-version."

"In the last X-version, there was a script and modding community. Will there be an interface for modding?

"Oh, I haven’t mentioned that before. Modding in general and not only modding but the cooperation with the community at all has always been important for us. We can’t do it so openly like we’ve done it before in the earlier games, there was a basis, where you not only changed the technology basis, but also the gameplay basis from game to game. Everybody could understand immediately what the changes are and what to work with. The present game is very different and the technologies that are applied in it are different and that’s why we can’t invite Modders and involve the community. But this is definitely our goal. It might be that some things only make sense when the game is published, but we always develop the games further when they have already been published in every kind of way and here it will be the same for the future. I think the lights tell us that we have to leave soon for the next show. Thank you very much and good bye."

The original presentation can be seen below - although it is in German:


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