Multi-core support confirmed
Tuesday 31st May, 2011 · Posted by Roguey · 2 commentsEgosoft have confirmed that there will be multi-core support in Rebirth on their facebook page. I was pretty sure there would be, however it is nice to know its confirmed. Here's the original post on facebook:
Neil Davis : Is X Rebirth going to take advantage of multi core processors?
Egosoft: Yes it will. This is a new engine from scratch and one of the design goals was to make use of multiple threads / cores. So even though it is too early to talk about hardware specs yet, it is safe to say: multi cores = good
Egosoft: Yes it will. This is a new engine from scratch and one of the design goals was to make use of multiple threads / cores. So even though it is too early to talk about hardware specs yet, it is safe to say: multi cores = good
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