Rebirth and steam

Saturday 20th August, 2011 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 2 comments

Today ive noticed that a new competition has opened up called XU Forum Quest - Round 1 (details here). In the list of prizes are the following:

The winner receives a signed copy of X-Rebirth and Steam X-Superbox
2nd place gets a steam copy of both X-Rebirth and X-Superbox
3rd place gets Steam X-Superbox
The Lucky Loser will also receive a steam copy of X-Rebirth

Notice steam copy of rebirth? Im not sure whether this is a good or bad thing - depends on your thoughts of steam (why not let me know your thoughts on steam?). I personally havnt used steam too much. It is unknown at this point if rebirth will have a non-steam version. However Egosoft do seem to be using steam more often, with their recent discounts and DLC.

Oh and good luck if you enter the competition.


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