Sohnen who are they
Board Index » X3: Terran Conflict » Sohnen who are they
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
So i was flying around in argon prime and i saw a ship i have never seen befor it was labled as "unknown oblject" and looked like a UFO so i stated to dig around on google and the ego forum and i have found out that that ship belongs to the sohnen. Now my question is who are they, what do they look like, what is their backstory? i have dug to the bottom of the box here and all i can find is a mod and a little explination that they are an secrective race older then dirt its self. This lead to only more questions.
A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
Its just an Easter egg left in from an older x-game. I admit they are a bit odd when you first see them.
You'll probably see posts about a hidden UFO base, but they are just all rubbish.
You'll probably see posts about a hidden UFO base, but they are just all rubbish.
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
yeah i read on the ego forums that they were added but taken away then added to a mod that for some reason i can not find i want to know what they look like im intrested in them more or less i do think ego should add them in an expashion or something. from what i have read they are the minds behind the gates or at least part of the mind i have read that they made them and that they maintain them under the rule of a highter intelligence then them. But then again i guess it would be better just to leave them to the immagination other wise x3 would turn into mass effect.
A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?
Cruguey (18)
Cruguey (18)
All that is mostly false.If you download the encyclopedia from the egosoft site, it tells you about the race that created the gates and a lot more. The UFOs are actually Goner ships. This could be because there was no way to add in a new race and they just set them as Goner or they are a Goner secret project, much like the Aran.
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
nice i will have to take a look at this maybe it will give me more insite on the game =)
A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?
Specoguey (14)
Specoguey (14)
I know there several types.I did shoot one down, took wasps and something else to get it.I did save just incase,but nothing happen that I am aware of,other then credit for getting a unknown little guy
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
i tryed to capture one it will let you shoot a boarding pod at it if the shields are down but the boarding pod is to slow lol but i think that was more of a what would i do with it if i could catch one you know
A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?
Specoguey (14)
Specoguey (14)
The one I got was only going 300 mps so a boarding pod could get it
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
the one i found was doing 700 m/s but then again i play a modifed game so it may be messed up for me. Some npc ships all ready mess up pritty bad. for exsample if i dont jump into my home sector once in a wile all the npc traders will bunch up 10km off the gate and just sit there. And i have made a scrip that makes all the missles move 3 times what there speed is so when a bording pod does hit it it blows up.
A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
Lol, you guys trying to steal one. What's so great about a flying saucer anyway (I guess it does make some funny beep noises)? If a made a mod with a flying tea-cup would you be trying to board that too?
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
hell yeah but i would make it uber like 30 guns on the front 15 on the right and left 10 in back and 20 on the top and bottom i would even have a tea cup weapon that would shoot out brownish plasma balls. but i can see the complications with the guns you would have people complaining that the ships shoots poop lol none the less it would be cool. and speking of tea cups i do have one modoled in blender that i can export to gmax that you can use i just have to scale it and and some alien detal to it
A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
lol, very nice - 'The destroyer of worlds'. So now with the saucer and the mug, we all doomed!
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
yeah to bad no one will add it to a mod it would be funny to be in black hole sun fighting xenon and all the sudden you see a huge flying tea cup whiping threw the battle as if nothing is happenin lol
A question that has puzzled me for my whole 24 years of life. If a word is in the dictonary is mispelled how do we know?
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
hmm.. dont you mean 'black-hole-mug'?.. the handle on the right is the jump-gate
Instruguey (13)
Instruguey (13)
Teladi suggest that you might be making...hsssss...joke
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