Command Ships

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Raptor avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

Is it possible to acquire these command ships in a vanilla X3TC? how?:

#deca CPU ship
Kha'ak Destroyer (or the high command, Hive Queen!, capturing her would be risky but nice Eek)

Also, is there any chance of these ships being available in X3TC (vanilla)?:

ATF Valhalla
Xenon I
Split M2 (other than the Python)
Boron Megalodon
Goner Aran

If anyone could help, please. Smile I'd also like to ask you mates, what's your favorite Battle Ship? why do you prefer it? Smile

I've just started a new game (an Argon Patriot start) and want to decide things, thanks in advance.

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RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

The #deca is obtainable in Vanilla, but you only get one shot at it, and its quite a bit of but-hurt to carry out; but here is a link that tells you how:

The Khaak Destroyer is not available at all in vanilla, as it is not boardable.

The Valhalla, Xenon I, Pteranodon (the other Split M2), Boron Mega are all not in Vanilla TC, as they were first introduced in AP.

The Goner Aran is available in TC to be boarded in the same way as AP; trawling through many UFJD sectors searching for one as they are a random spawn (and can be very, very far away from where you jump in) and then using an M7M to board them.

Favourite Battle-ship? Boreas, every time. I have one in one of my AP saves, and I love that thing. I tanked my way through from Omicron to the Moon with my Boreas, before I was forced to withdraw by an angry Tyr who put me on 26% hull.

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Raptor avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

Thanks a lot RandomTank, I shall prepare for that #deca!

The #deca is better than the Kha'ak Destroyer (and could possibly be equivalent or even more powerful than the Hive Queen herself!), the #deca can mount 32 Gamma Kyon Emitters! and can launch Poltergeist and Specter missiles and these are more powerful and more available than the Kha'ak missiles, also it has powerful shields. The challenge is how to acquire the Kyon Emitters after I've successfuly acquired the #deca, right?

And the Aran is available?! very nice. Smile

Oh, I didn't tell you my favorite Battle-ship, it would be the ATF Tyr.

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

redheart avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 11 years ago.

I have not gotten a Battleship yet (I think). I have the Split Tiger, I suppose that could be considered a battleship thinking about it. I like it, and yet I don't know what to put the turret command to. I have tried offensive, defensive, fighters, only missiles. They all have a good time and place for the command but...its a pain to change them mid battle. So I would like to know what do you set your turret commands to?


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

@Raptor Yeah, that ship is fearsome if you get it fully armed, chucking out an awful lot of high accuracy damage. 2 things wrong with it though; as you say, equipping it is a pain. If you manage to get it equipped with 32 GKE's in a week, I will pay you. The other thing is that it is frikking huge!!! It is very nearly the same diameter as a Gate, so your gonna end up ramming a lot of ships.
Getting the Aran is a challenge, but can be very easy if you get lucky (like I did).

@redheart The Tiger is good, I love mine, but it's more of a Destroyer than a Battleship. Don't worry, you'll get to that stage eventually! I would suggest getting the Cheat Pack, starting a new save file, and then spawning in all of the different M2's to test them out; that's what I've done many times, and it also gives you tips at destroying other M2's!
Turrets Commands? Well, remember I use the Smart turrets mod, which allows for weapon switching and intelligent missile interception; I'll usually use the Smart: Defensive command on any Top, Bottom and Rear turrets, as they will prioritise missiles; but on Front, Left and Right turrets I'll use Smart: Attack my Target or Offensive.

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Raptor avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

@RandomTank, I know getting that amount of GKEs is very hard and could take a long time (more than a week perhaps, as you say) but I think the trick is: once I've found a Kha'ak Destroyer or Carrier, I save before the attack then blow it up to pieces and see what it drops, if it drops nothing then reload and attack again until it drops something worthy.

But here comes a question: what happens after completing the Op. Final Fury plot, does the Kha'ak disappear? I've noticed before that the Kha'ak presence in the commonwealth decreases significantly after the OFF plot but I'm not sure though.

And as for the size of the ship, yes it seems so huge but the solution is to navigate it remotely (OOS) for equipping/upgrading and then limit its usage to large battles like wiping out entire enemy sectors (Kha'ak, Xenon and Pirate sectors);

The #deca could be the Command Ship armed and protected not only by its exceptional lasers but also by formidable wings of Battle-Ships (Skirnirs and Tyrs are excellent examples imo), that could be the most powerful force in the vanilla game but at the long range game-days, something like a month or so.

@redheart, I haven't reached the level of M7 frigates yet but I'm planning things from the biggining because, for example, if I finished the Terran plot without successfully boarding the #deca, then there would be no chance to get it anymore. The Tiger is indeed an excellent frigate, it maybe cosidered to be between M7 and M2, it would be the favorite M7 imo.

And for turret commands... well, they depend on laser configuration (installed lasers) of the ship and the scale of combat (attacking fighters should use turret commands that could be different than those for attacking capital ships, you know)... well its a matter of practice, but if you want an easier technique then use Smart Turrets as RandomTank suggested. Smile

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

redheart avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 11 years ago.

Yea I use the Smart Turret Command as well. I just have to learn the way to config it. This is why I was wondering what commands you all use. And the #deca was the huge ship like in the very beginning of the Terran plot quest line wasnt it?....sigh yea I didn't even know what boarding was about at that stage.

Oh and you ALL may want to take a look Picture

Now before you all start congratulating me, I then commanded the Tiger to dock and as it passed, it scraped the Cobra and it blew save.....AAAHHHHHH!!!


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

@Raptor That's quite a good idea actually, if you do that you could cut the time required in half! Still, be prepared, as the drop rates are extremely low, something silly like 1 GKE for every 10 destroyers/carriers you kill. The point of Final Fury is that all of the major Khaak attacks, like the ones where 3 Destroyers and a bucket load of fighters jump in, stop completely, and the likeliness of minor attacks, a cluster or 2, decreases dramatically. I'm pretty sure that the heavy stuff still spawns in the Khaak sectors; I know the Guardians definitely do!
Nice idea with #deca CMD ship, it fits the bill very well (as it is a command ship in the plot!).

@redheart You have Smart? Good! Admitted, CODEA or MARS is probably better, but they are a pain in the bum to set up in comparison, and I love the Smart: Main guns command for my fighter squadrons. The problem though, more likely lies in the weapons, not the commands. ISRs are a great weapon, and can deal with most M3s and M6s with ease, but struggle against faster stuff like M4s; FAAs are much better at killing M4s and M5s, but use A LOT of energy, and because the Tiger is more of a Destroyer, you want most if not all of the power you can get to the main guns (especially if you have 12 IBLs in it like I do!), so I would not recommend putting Flaks on it; they steal waaay too much energy fron the generator, so EBCs are probably the best option! In reality though, no matter how well you set up your Tiger for Anti-fighter, it's not very good at doing it, and that's probably where you're struggling.
I bring a small fleet around with me, which includes: My Personal Panther, with a combo of CIG's, FAA, ISR's and PBE's, making it very good against fighters and M6's; 2 Heavy Dragons with 8 ISR on the front and 4 PBG on the top turret, meaning they can deal with fighters and other M6's; and a Tiger with (as mentioned before) 12 IBL in the Main, left and right turrets, and a choice of ISR and PBE in the other turrets, making extremely effective aganist M6's, M7's and M1's, and can deal with a M2 if needs be. My Panther also has a few personal ships onboard, 3 Blastclaw Protos for collecting loot, a wing of 10 Solano's for Interception duties, and a wing of 6 (soon to be 10) Nova Raiders for Defense/Heavy Attack. This all means I can dish an awful lot of damage at Fighters and Capitals; just having a Tiger is good, but it really needs a fighter escort, as its mediocre at killing fighters.

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redheart avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 11 years ago.

Random tank, I would have no idea how to command that many do you?


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

Simple my boy! I'll put in list form, to make it easier:

The Panther: Is piloted by me, so no commands needed.

The Tiger: Is set to the 'Protect Me' Command, and has the Auto-jump capability on, set to minimum jumps 1. This means he'll follow me around, and jump into any sector I do 10 seconds after me; if I encounter anything heavy, I'll just switch to this Tiger via Transporter, kill what I need to, a leave the Panther where it was to launch fighters (or move it if needs be).

The 2 Heavy Dragons: Are set up with the same commands as the Tiger, so they just follow me around too, and shoot what I shoot. I never really switch to them though, I don't need to.

The 10 Solanos: These are all assembled into Gold Wing, I have them equipped with full shields, 6 Mass Drivers and Automatic Resupply of 50 Crates of MD ammo and 15 Mosquito Missiles (for Missile Defense Mosquito/MDM) each (That fills 101 spaces out of their 102 unit cargo bay!). All I do is use the 'Attack(Choose Target)' Wing Command, as that launches all Solanos at the same time and they all attack the same target, then they move onto any other nearby enemies.

The 6 Nova Raiders: These are all assembled into Red Wing, I have them equipped with full shields, 4 HEPT, 4 PRG, and a PRG in the Turret (set on Smart: Defense); set for an Automatic Resupply of 20 Mosquito Missiles (for MDM) and 10 Tempests, with a 5% Missile Fire Chance and Smart: Main Guns in the Additional Commands. I usually set these on 'Protect Me' Wing Command, and as they are Fighters they will dock at the Panther (their Homebase), and when any enemy comes within about 10km, they all launch and attack; if I see a group of angry M6's or a nasty M7 that needs killing, I'll set these to the 'Attack(Choose Target)' Wing Command, and they'll go kill it/give me supporting fire.

The 3 Blastclaw Protos: I never use these in combat, I purely use these after the battle is done to collect the loot; I could jump in a few freighters, but I like these as they can deal with a few M5's or M4's that could be straggling about, and are fast with a Massive cargo bay!

Having the fighters set up into Wings is the part that really cut down on orders; I can get my entire fleet active and fighting in roughly 2 orders; to put them away is usually 1 order as the Novas dock by themselves when the enemies have gone, and no need for stocking up fighters with missiles and ammo, it does it all automagically! If you have escort fighters or some mounted in TM's or any other sort of Carrier, immediately organise them into wings, it saves sooooo much hassle, and it's soooooo quick and easy.

You have some money and an Elephant don't you? I have an idea for you if you do...

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redheart avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 11 years ago.

Your talking about using the Elephant as a mobile carrier arnt you? lol...I have thought about that but I want to hear your idea...yes I have an Elephant and have some money but I dont have near the fleet you do...yet...

What type of carrier are you using for your fighters?


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

Yep I am! Pretty simple really; Find yourself a nice Interceptor class fighter you like, Interceptor being a ship that is fast, well shielded, decent generator and can take plenty of PAC, PRG or PBE if you can get them (as they are awesome anti-fighter weapons); I would recommend the OTAS Solano M4, its fantastic for this, quite cheap too.
Buy your self 10 of them, try and equip them with 6 PRG or 6 MD each, but failing that 6 PAC, as they are easier to obtain in large numbers, set them up as a wing (you know how to do that don't you?), any colour you want! Make the wing your Wingmen, and set wing's homebase as the Elephant; then set the Elephant to have the Auto-jump compatibility on (minimum jump 1 makes sense). If you keep you Elephant docked in a sector who's name begins with A, it will appear right at the top of 'Your Property' (default key 'r' ), which saves on menu hassle; if ever you need fighter support, just go into 'Your Property', order the Elephant to 'Follow Me', it will jump to the sector your in 10 seconds later, then press 'Shift 6' (Wingmen: Protect Me), all of the Solano's will un-dock and attack any ship that's attacking you, it takes all of 15 seconds + the Solano's travel time for them to be at your side! That's pretty well exactly what I did when I got my Elephant, and I only had a Chimera as a personal ship at that time!

My Carrier that I use now is my Panther M7, as it can fight as well as any other Cruiser, but it also carries up to 32 (32!) fighters in it's hanger bay! I'm tempted to up Red Wing (the 6 Nova Raiders) to 10 Novas, meaning that I will have 20 spaces worth of Wing based fighters in my Panther's belly, plus 3 Salvage M3's, and 4 additional Personal ships; meaning I will still have 5 spaces left! I love my Panther, its great!

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Kirlack avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 11 years ago.

That's a good solid working strategy Tank! Big grin I used the same theory during my 'Piece(s) of Eight' DiD, although I was using Tenjins and a Ryu Big grin And 10 Solanos equipped with 6 MDs should be able to tear apart Carracks with relative ease Big grin

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

Yup, and don't I know it!! Their 60 Mass Drivers pulverized a J from an Invasion mish the other day; took about 10-20 seconds, no losses! Solanos with MD's are positively mean....

I will be the one to take you down!

AlphanInfidel avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

That does look good Random Tank. I have used mammoths etc. as multi-role ships (mini carrier especially) in several X's, but haven't thought to take it this far!

I am an Alien!

redheart avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 11 years ago.

Um....Now I want a does sound nice...real real nice...

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