Decided to start over with the main campaign, as it became apparent by the middle section that you need a minimum of around 20 million credits to subsidise the cost of building the URV Forge, then the URV Wharf. Actually more like 50 million including upgrades to the Skunk and buying cargo ships, etc. Not enough work in De Vries to come anywhere close to that. Albion space pretty much off limits due to Plutarch hostility, you just get missile spammed or tagged wherever you go and Omicron Lyrae/Maelstrom still not open.
I reckon it will still be a struggle to earn that much at the outset but as I don't want to cheat the money in, seems the only way. Economic simulation way off centre, IMHO.
- BigVern
I reckon it will still be a struggle to earn that much at the outset but as I don't want to cheat the money in, seems the only way. Economic simulation way off centre, IMHO.
- BigVern
I pre-ordered two copies of this game (1 steam, 1 boxed), and was sorely disappointed. Within the past week or so, I dusted it off and started playing again. After some game breaking bugs (with ware transfers, etc), I uninstalled, and totally removed any trace of XR on my system. Then I did a fresh install, and my problems went away! (Note: I'm using the Open beta, and all experiences are with Beta 3.6 Beta 3.)
Spoiler Warning!
I was able to do the entire campaign without any save edits. Since I knew what to expect, I tried to get some cash from trading, before I started doing plot stuff, but at some point in the game, you are forced to follow the plot just by flying into a particular zone. As far as cash flow is concerned, at the point in the plot where you get your ships back, I just sold the Taranis (or whatever the big ship is called), and it yielded me around 30 million credits (on an earlier run, I think I got 60-70 for it). That and buying all of the scrap metal I could find, then crafting it into Alloys, and selling the Alloys for 550k-680k a pop pretty much funded my campaign. I also sold the Gigurum freighter you get soon after meeting the Canterans.
Now that the campaign is over, I'm hoping to help restart the Devries economy, and make my URV Forge self sufficient. I've also taken some station building missions. I fund my activities by capturing and selling PMC Ships. I use the Marine Rebalance Mod which makes it fun and interesting.
Unmodded, there are aspects of the game that are still unbearable. I have a few mods installed to make life a little easier. I don't know if one of the mods I have caused it, but when I obtained the factory ship to make the plot station, it already had more than enough RMP. I was able to source everything else from non-PMC stations, and I've actually been enjoying the game. I did use a mod that allows you to purchase Trade Update subscriptions for around 50k-100k each. That eased a lot of the pain. I compare it to X3 when I would start every new game by dropping Advanced Satellites in every sector.
The Captain and Defense Officer AI mod was game breaking, but everything else I used seemed to play nicely.
Again I'm having a lot of fun with it now. I purchased a Balor to use as a taxi, and with Litauen's Capital Ship Bridge mod, it feels a lot more like the game XR should have been from the beginning.
Sorry for the rambling post. I originally intended to address the cash flow issues, but it got out of hand. :-)