The future of the x-sites..

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Fallent avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

To be honest I don't know why you bothering with Rebirth or Egosoft anymore Roguey. In my opinion you should try out their latest upcoming patch, and then when you're disappointed (I honestly can't see that much happening with the patch, a turd is a turd even when polished) say your goodbyes and part with good graces from Egosoft.

I think the situation has degraded to the point where there's no turning back and making up. Egosoft have made a shitty game, had terrible public relations, and just... The entire thing stinks. There's just nothing saving this company.

Two years ago I would of said Egosoft was one of my favorite companies. Great public relations, high quality games, truthful even. But now... It stinks. It reaks!

Edit: Forget to mention. Totally agree. The mods deliberately, so fucking on purposely goad people with a warning to be tone down or the thread gets locked. Then due to nothing to do with the creator, purely other people replying the thread gets locked down.


jm7111 avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 10 years ago.

Just wanting to say Thank You very much Roguey for your great site and the help you have and still are providing for X3 and Rebirth, a chance I missed over at Ego's forum, after locking the last relevant topic.

Without the invaluable and organized help on this site I would most probably not have been playing AP at all. Additionally, for XR, I got here since the very beginning my first clear and proper info about the Skunk's engines and shields (otherwise completely impossible, or even disorienting anywhere else), as well as on how to proceed with the game play (whenever possible with the multitude of bugs and broken features) based on your Plot Guide.

I would also like to mention that the locking of the last thread at Ego's where you also posted, is yet another example of the very bad way Ego has chosen to follow with XR.

That thread was imo one of the most valuable and constructive ones, either positively or negatively, I have ever read so far on the subject, and should have remained active if we ever wanted to further dig into this game's internals and its background.

Furthermore, your single phrase about the current lack of excitement is one of the best targeted comments I have ever read, while some other posts showed how a distorted perception is prevailing among the game's 'supporters'.

Unfortunately, it was again Ego's decision to stop any enlightening discussions about XR. The ridiculous stuff about 'self-control' is once more a cheap excuse and cover-up, exposing for yet one more time how Ego is continuously losing grasp of what is going on, and being unable to cope with its community.

And with that attitude, the expected 'super-duper' May patch will be again imo a further step towards the already established slippery cliff.


Jambock avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 10 years ago.

Hi Roguey, it's me again, and this time i have a little request if you don't mind. The so much talked update 2.0 is out and since i can't believe in anything that i read these days in the Ego forum and you said that was awaiting it to decide if Rebirth is or never will be worth anything could you share your impressions after you test it a little? Thanks in advice and good luck. =)


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Hi Roguey, it's me again, and this time i have a little request if you don't mind. The so much talked update 2.0 is out and since i can't believe in anything that i read these days in the Ego forum and you said that was awaiting it to decide if Rebirth is or never will be worth anything could you share your impressions after you test it a little? Thanks in advice and good luck. =)
- Jambock

They brought back damage to shields for collision. They tweeked the highway mini game and they introduced a couple ships. They gave us three different cockpits (still same ship) and they "improved performance"

But the fleet commands are still gone, joysticks are still flaky (although you can save 8 devices now) and the game is still boring and grinds to a halt because of poorly planned npc interaction and dependencies.

This isn't a 2.0, its a 1.33 and it is a marketing BS ploy to call it 2.0


Jambock avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 10 years ago.


Yes, a little after i posted my request above i noticed that Roguey already had done it... ^^; And sincerely i see that what i really want (More ships to fly, ships with turrets like the X3 ones, ships that behave like ships, Etc) will never come... People insists that "The Skunk is only a platform from where you command you empire", and the fun part is that it is exactly what i hated... I want a Ship! xD Maybe in an Rebirth 2, but i will not wait for it...


grindleader avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.


Thanks for all the years of effort and fun. Personally, if I were you, I would turn my back on these shysters and never look back. They earned it.


What a poor excuse for a moderator, take your fingers out of your ears and put them somewhere else.

Also, you try to make light of roguey leaving. What I find interesting about that you are trying to convince him you are a great guy. Why do you feel it necessary to follow him to his own website if he is so,"unnoteworthy"?

The very fact you are here trying to kiss up to him shows EXACTLY how important he is and was, otherwise you wouldn't even be here trying to play damage control.

For roguey I have respect and praise. For ketraar, nothing but distain, contempt and scorn, and you can add egosoft in ketraars category.


Ketraar avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

No one is kissing up to no one you are confusing your ways of low self-esteem and ignorant behaviour with mine. Unlike you I can have my own opinion and voice it without having the need to other people like it just so I dont feel lonely. Would you have two half working neurons and some decent ability in understanding, you would have been able to read and possibly look up how long I'm registered here, but you slept in the day intelligence was distributed so you got an excuse.

It also it shows how much you have respect for roguey when you spend 1 single line addressing him and waist 6 for me, I really do not deserve that much attention and coming from you I gladly get by without, maybe you should get a life, it would benefit all.




grindleader avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

No one is kissing up to no one you are confusing your ways of low self-esteem and ignorant behaviour with mine. Unlike you I can have my own opinion and voice it without having the need to other people like it just so I dont feel lonely. Would you have two half working neurons and some decent ability in understanding, you would have been able to read and possibly look up how long I'm registered here, but you slept in the day intelligence was distributed so you got an excuse.

It also it shows how much you have respect for roguey when you spend 1 single line addressing him and waist 6 for me, I really do not deserve that much attention and coming from you I gladly get by without, maybe you should get a life, it would benefit all.


- Ketraar

Nothing but ad hominems and blustery fluff.

I bet your ban finger is twitching like crazy, isn't it?


JuergenSalzbrunn avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 10 years ago.

Playtime last 4 weeks:
X-Rebirth - 3 hours (testing, still broken and no fun) Sad
X3-AP - 97 hours

Thanx for all the help on your site Roguey!!


Fallent avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

@ Ketraar

I'll say this firstly, I've no problem or beef with you at all. I honestly don't. But I do feel the need to say this. Although Grind is openly insulting you, replying to him with nothing but personal insults in retaliation doesn't show you off in the best light.

The bottom line is you're still an official moderator for the X-series. You're meant to be setting an example. What you just did, you would warn or ban for on your own forums. You've just stooped as low as those personally insulting you and embarrassed yourself big time.

I realise this isn't the official X-forums and different rules apply, however you on a personal level have just shown your colors. If you can not use moderator privileges, threaten or ban someone, you easily stoop down to their level.

Just saying man.


grindleader avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

@ Ketraar

....Although Grind is openly insulting you, replying to him with nothing but personal insults in retaliation doesn't show you off in the best light.

- Fallent

Actually, I don't want to be too nitpicky here, but the only real insult would be the fingers part, but even that is pretty veiled, I leave it up to the reader to decide exactly WHERE he should put his fingers instead. Smile

The rest is my personal opinion of him based on past experience. It's not meant as an insult, merely an expression of my total and utter contempt for him and egosoft as well.


Fallent avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

@ Grind

Fair enough. Maybe I was taking what you said too harshly. More of a strong opinion than insults.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

No one is kissing up to no one you are confusing your ways of low self-esteem and ignorant behaviour with mine. Unlike you I can have my own opinion and voice it without having the need to other people like it just so I dont feel lonely. Would you have two half working neurons and some decent ability in understanding, you would have been able to read and possibly look up how long I'm registered here, but you slept in the day intelligence was distributed so you got an excuse.

It also it shows how much you have respect for roguey when you spend 1 single line addressing him and waist 6 for me, I really do not deserve that much attention and coming from you I gladly get by without, maybe you should get a life, it would benefit all.
- Ketraar

I am abit disappointed in you Ketraar, as you are supposed to be be setting an example for others - as you are official moderator on the official boards. So now I have to warn you to reframe from such posts (encouraging flaming). Would never thought I would never have to warn someone like you, as you should know better. I know you were flamed before, but I dealt with it and the last comment wasnt too bad (you should have took it on the chin). If you had posted the same content on the official boards, then im sure would be pulled up for it (may even get the thread locked for it, another reason why this isnt there).

Note to all; posting here doesnt give you, or anyone the right to start posting harsh comments to each other, otherwise I will deal with it. So keep the thread on topic thank-you. Anyway, enough said - please carry on with on-topic posts.

ps. I have some news too, which ill post soon.


Fallent avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

Roguey so now the dust has settled, I'm wondering what's your final thoughts on 2.0? I've just tried it myself and although its a step in the right direction the game it all feels so superficial still. I want another 15 hours of campaign, with multiple ships to fly, with an improved ship interior and a FULLY FINISHED AND WORKING economy.

2.0 from my brief testing and browsing Ego forums is still just so... empty. Where's the HARD content?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

well I would say that v2.0 introduced many good features but the core-game is still what it is. Some of these elements feel broken/missing; take trading which I feel is a complete mess; dont get me started on station building.

So I would say - if you liked the game before v2.0, then you will like v2.0.. but if you didnt enjoy the game much before, then ill doubt v2.0 will make you change your mind. The v2.0 title is over-rated.

For a £40 title (which I know was on sale a few days ago), its just crazy - you should expect much more. I know ego are only a small crew, but they shouldnt charge AAA prices. One of the best 2013 games (for me) was £30 (and it was a lot lot better).

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