Your wish list on Rebirth

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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

I am wondering what things you would like to see in X-Rebirth? It can be anything from graphics, game-play etc.


EliteM3 avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

I will try to get this game.
I want to try it Smile
X Games ROCKS! Guns


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

nice to see someone is still around, I was starting to think everyone has died or something... its been too quiet here. Not even nova been here to spam smiliies Smile

So what new features to do hope ego have added?


jacer08 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 13 years ago.

i hope they updated the AI to where you didn't run into rocks, stations, other aircraft, and especially warp gates. there's nothing more frustrating then when your trying to explore early game(before you have a jumpdrive), and you have to wander around turning SETA on and off so that you don't run into things, but still trying to speed the exploring up.

also, i hope they redo the ship system. i got kinda bored with the old ship styles, and i think the modders pretty much maxed out what you could do with the old system. i think a fresh new ship classification system will liven things up.

in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

hey m8, ive been wondering where you got too. I guessed you got into Dragon Age 2?

I agree with you with AI and ship classes. I think the M rating either needs re-hauling or removing. M1-M8 should be in-order, ie. M1 big, M8 small. Its become very confusing now.

When I saw the picture below my first thought was: That's a lot of things to mash in-to! I hope the AI has improved.



jacer08 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 13 years ago.

yeah, i got about 80% through DA2 and stopped lol. i'm taking a break from that to play a game that i picked up from steam a while back, but never got into. it's called AI War: Fleet Command. it's a very interesting, and challenging, space RTS. you can get a demo from steam if your interested.

the new ships that they show in the preview look very nice. the models kinda remind me of Homeworld 1 and 2, another amazing space strategy series.

in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

I thought the designs looked a little bit like the Unreal engine. I dare think about what the system requirements will be. Its a shame ego havnt released any details about X rebirth.

btw, All X-member staff can post on the rebirth site.. if you didnt know.


KongRudi avatar
Level badge (5)
Posted 13 years ago.

Since this is a wish-list, I'm not thinking to much about PC-limitations.

Most of all, I want new plots, a new universe, and new ships, and equipment. Smile

On a side-note, I also want vanilla sector takeover (with taxation) and NPC-bailing in vanilla aswell. Smile

I also want better player equipment docks. Smile
Maybe equipment docks could be fed with chips and similar, and equipment blueprints had to be bought. Smile

I also want the AI to upgrade their ships, and not allways get fully equipeed ships.

Maybe abit more variation in the various starts, like the 'new home' plot could be different if you take a paranid start, rather than a Argon Patriot-start, and you end up with a different system at a different place. Smile

Maybe a randomize universe option in custom-game, however I find it hard to believe the computer could allways generate a viable economy, but it could be fun for the player to try to fix that, if it had some parameters.. :P

Anyway, back to the game.. :P


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 13 years ago.

> Interior of ships.
You can walk around, to the bridge, you sleeping area, crew facilities.

> Better UI
The current User Interface is bad, it is menu after menu.


p.s: sorry I have been away for a while, not been feeling to good :/


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

I agree with you with the UI, it gets a bit confusing. Ive been playing X-BTF and whilst its old, it did make some things simpler. For example, when buying a trade ship for a station, it automatically starts trading without having to set a home-base and which ware to trade with. I think the UI should be the same - too many options makes pages and pages of options.

p.s: sorry I have been away for a while, not been feeling to good :/
- bozo64r

:( hopefully your better now?


NetHawk avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 13 years ago.

There are many things I wish for X-Rebirth, as ship interior, better AI, better UI etc., but honestly said, most important for me now would be that they make the universe more alive. I'm talking competition at whatever you do, like in rogueys X3R mod, where you really get a couple competitors, and it feels more alive when you just bought a Solar power plant, just to figure out that someone already posted one in the sector you wanted.
Also, I'd like to see them make the modding engine better. Maybe a real scripting language this time? Big grin
And one more thing I'd like them to do is to look at classic rules.....the XTM mod is good but it's too weapon heavy....the fighting bails down to who's got the bigger I hope they actually think about that a little.
Oh yeah and one more thing....I'd like to see some more variations going on...more different ship colors, maybe emblems etc. just more variation to the universe

Burn rubber, not your soul!

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

Good points net, I really hope a fresh start means they havnt cheapen out on anything.

When I see this picture, it does make me worry that ego have added more bullet spam. I hate firing a gun to see 90-95% of bullets miss the target. To me its pointless fps reducers (do I really need to see 4,000 bullets in the air at once? when only 100 shots will hit?). The best example of this is at the end of X3, when Terran appear. My fps died just because of 1000's of bullets being fired.

I think ego have been moving more and more away from a space-sim and slowly turning their games into arcade shooters ie. 8 guns, 60 bullets per sec -> shield 100%... 0.1 second later, shield gone... bang.

A laser cap would of stopped this, but it was never introduced into X3. Why can a Nova fire all 8 fires at once? this would of made bank switching more useful too.


jacer08 avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 13 years ago.

i agree with everyone on the "being able to walk around your ship" thing.

here's an idea. give the player a ship to start with, and make that "your" ship. but to counter the fact that you can only fly one ship, give the player the option to buy mods for it, such as extra gun turrets, or a hull upgrade that has more hardpoints/shielding. and make the player ship have an interior that you can walk around in. that way when you buy an upgrad to your ship, you can go take a look at it installed inside, or maybe see it installed on the outside of your ship, depending on the type of upgrade.

also leave the option to buy other ships and controll them with commands, like the rest of the X games.

i also agree about the menu's. they are rather complex, and get frustrating and confusing at times. i think that's one of the problems with continually adding to a game. it get's more complex as you add each layer. while this can be good, as it adds content for players already experienced, for someone new to the series there is a rather sharp learning curve. hence why they decided to scratch the old X games and make a new one.

in eternity, forever lasts but an instant.

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

I like the idea to upgrade modules of your ship, I thought this would be possible after X2 because the ships were mostly built from units. However ego decided to move away from modular ships. I guess modular designs didnt work for the ships in X3. I guess ships could be split into sub-systems and upgraded.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 13 years ago.

All these ideas taken into account, what sort of power will this game need. You needed minimum .5gb of ram for X2 and 1gb of RAM for X3R and 2gb for X3TC, that is minimum what will be the min/max of Rebirth?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

I didnt think X2 required 5gb ram, thats more than X3! Typo?

I am worried about the memory usage too. Maybe a new engine might fix some of the problems with memory usage. Surely 2gb should be enough for a sector... well, we not even sure rebirth has sectors atm.

Compare 2gb to a PS3 512mb (that's 256 main, 256 graphic as well). You think of the graphics in some of them PS3 games... I know windows has more over-heads but not that much!.. It makes me think that ego was wasting a lot of memory.

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