Your wish list on Rebirth


Skillguey (7)


Rookiguey (4)

Maybe, (thinking of the way X-tended mod group dealt with sector expansion here), they will either open up adjacent sectors over time, or possibly we have to manufacture or assist the manufacture of gate creation to open up sectors to other parts of the galaxy?
The fact the galaxy is mentioned does imo point to a galaxy expansion of sorts, though I doubt it would be a vast galaxy wide linkage (ie every possible star system), probably more like some of the larger systems that we are aware of, ie Orion, Sirius, etc.
Maybe its the local systems in that respect, or at least some of the larger well known systems. Possibly we, as player, and the other races are expanding into space as we open up the game, therefore expanding into these other systems, and being part of that expansive growth of races in those systems, possibly with some other races being found and having to be dealt with via trade or conflict.
That would be nice to see, as the dynamic (if they are dynamic) quests/missions could be generated on the fly wherever we end up.
I doubt they could use the expansion system galaxy wide though as resource-wise there mist have to be some limitations. So my best guess is that yes some procedurism (a word?) will allow systems to open up over time across the galaxy through either exploration, or building a tech tree in some way (or assisting one faction or race to achieve the same for the non-trader/builder player).
hehe, all specu;ation, but hey, speculation is fun right?
Maybe, (thinking of the way X-tended mod group dealt with sector expansion here), they will either open up adjacent sectors over time, or possibly we have to manufacture or assist the manufacture of gate creation to open up sectors to other parts of the galaxy?
The fact the galaxy is mentioned does imo point to a galaxy expansion of sorts, though I doubt it would be a vast galaxy wide linkage (ie every possible star system), probably more like some of the larger systems that we are aware of, ie Orion, Sirius, etc.
Maybe its the local systems in that respect, or at least some of the larger well known systems. Possibly we, as player, and the other races are expanding into space as we open up the game, therefore expanding into these other systems, and being part of that expansive growth of races in those systems, possibly with some other races being found and having to be dealt with via trade or conflict.
That would be nice to see, as the dynamic (if they are dynamic) quests/missions could be generated on the fly wherever we end up.
I doubt they could use the expansion system galaxy wide though as resource-wise there mist have to be some limitations. So my best guess is that yes some procedurism (a word?) will allow systems to open up over time across the galaxy through either exploration, or building a tech tree in some way (or assisting one faction or race to achieve the same for the non-trader/builder player).
hehe, all specu;ation, but hey, speculation is fun right?


Trueguey (22)

hmmm.. some good points. I think you cant say the galaxy should be totally based around the player, as from another view, the player is just 1 person in a large universe of billions. However I would be great if gates would open up at certain times - ie. Xenon attack.
It would be great if something could be done so space exploration was more rewarding and fun. I do feel like in its current state that most sector are briefly skipped through so you can reach a certain sector because of 1 station - ie. like shipyard.
By the sound of it, rebirth should have more life, which is a great. I do feel that better quality of content is better than quality:
It would be great if something could be done so space exploration was more rewarding and fun. I do feel like in its current state that most sector are briefly skipped through so you can reach a certain sector because of 1 station - ie. like shipyard.
By the sound of it, rebirth should have more life, which is a great. I do feel that better quality of content is better than quality:
In previous games, players asked for more and more content, sometimes at the expense of quality. This time around quality is the watchword.
- Egosoft News 43
- Egosoft News 43

Eagleguey (11)

Personally I hope gates will be dropped altogether. A universe built on continoum principle is much more fun, and a lot more tactical. This would (if done right) also allow the engine to "generate" more areas (e.g. endless universe). It's doable, and if they really wen't from scratch on the whole engine, made it multi-threaded, made some serious optimizations to the scripting engine, then this could be implemented.
While a continoum universe for most would mean using a HUGE map, it could in reality be done much easier (on-the-fly loading, pre-caching etc.). Think of IL2 Sturmovik, which allowed for HUGE maps...but loaded them gradually rather then on-start.
Fast movements through the universe would use the "advanced jumpdrive" (does that remind anyone except me of the "slipstream" from Andromeda?).
I think a continual universe would make much more fun, as you could "really" wait in ambush for someone, look around etc. as you wouldn't know "exactly" where he is.
Another thing I'd very much like to see implemented (and no it ain't hard), is the use of Dynamic ship configurations. Start out with the hull of the ship (model) (argon nova for example), and give here this much cargo bay. Now it's on the player to decide if he needs lot's of firepower, speed, shielding or cargo bay. This way we could "fine" tune our own ships.
Well my wishlist so far:
-Continoum Galaxy Concept
-Dynamic Ship Configuration
-Better AI
-A REAL scripting language
-Better optimized scripting engine
I guess I'm asking for a lot
While a continoum universe for most would mean using a HUGE map, it could in reality be done much easier (on-the-fly loading, pre-caching etc.). Think of IL2 Sturmovik, which allowed for HUGE maps...but loaded them gradually rather then on-start.
Fast movements through the universe would use the "advanced jumpdrive" (does that remind anyone except me of the "slipstream" from Andromeda?).
I think a continual universe would make much more fun, as you could "really" wait in ambush for someone, look around etc. as you wouldn't know "exactly" where he is.
Another thing I'd very much like to see implemented (and no it ain't hard), is the use of Dynamic ship configurations. Start out with the hull of the ship (model) (argon nova for example), and give here this much cargo bay. Now it's on the player to decide if he needs lot's of firepower, speed, shielding or cargo bay. This way we could "fine" tune our own ships.
Well my wishlist so far:
-Continoum Galaxy Concept
-Dynamic Ship Configuration
-Better AI
-A REAL scripting language
-Better optimized scripting engine
I guess I'm asking for a lot

Burn rubber, not your soul!

Trueguey (22)

hmmm.. removing the jumpgates would be a big thing for ego.. that's like saying they have moved SETA from the game for ego. I guess the game would be more like elite in that respect.
as for Dynamic ship configurations, its something I thought may of happened in X3. When ships were made from parts, I thought it wouldnt take much to swap parts for others, allowing you to physically change the layout of your ship. Changing your paint colour isnt the same!
as for Dynamic ship configurations, its something I thought may of happened in X3. When ships were made from parts, I thought it wouldnt take much to swap parts for others, allowing you to physically change the layout of your ship. Changing your paint colour isnt the same!
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