Do you like what you have seen of Rebirth so far?

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Calgacus avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 13 years ago.

I agree; I'm not keen on the 'one ship' idea. I mean, how can you expand your empire with just one ship? And with this in mind, I surmise there will be no wrecks or abandoned ships you can salvage if you're just allowed one ship? As for taking SETA away....bummer! Using intergalactic 'roads' is like a new version of Trade Lanes from Freelancer, which I found fun for a while, but it became very restrictive.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 13 years ago.

I think knowing Egosoft they will bring something good in. I think the idea they tried was that you a Captain and you have to order the crew around.... but for X it is a bit stupid.


dathionk avatar
Level badge Boguey (2)
Posted 13 years ago.

I think knowing Egosoft they will bring something good in. I think the idea they tried was that you a Captain and you have to order the crew around.... but for X it is a bit stupid.
- bozo64r

At first I was thinking the same way. but I remember in star wars when Han Solo sat in his ship while leading a fleet to battle. not exactly ideal but doable. I think after ego tries all these new ideas and it works out well. then maybe we will get a new game where we use all this new specialized building and use it on more than one ship.

I am hopeful this is a rebirth for new ideas and then next installment bring to where we like it with more variety.



jjhawk avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 13 years ago.

I like what I have seen so far, the trade lanes are nothing new, this was done in another space game and worked fine. Having turrets on stations should have been there from the start.

The player ship is just like the original x start, they will probably change this in an expansion like they did the first time.

The drones part is nothing new, if any of you played x2 you will know it had this feature so they are just bringing back a feature they missed out in x3+. In x2 you opened a screen and controlled the ship from the cockpit or other view.. I used to use this feature alot while sitting in my Teladi Condor Big grin


Relicalchaos avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 13 years ago.

My opinion, even though I'm pretty new to the series, I'm a bit nervous to see them take the game into a such a huge step. I would rather have seen them take the game into "incremental steps"... so to speak.. And not just drastically change everything.

Like in X:Beyond the Frontier, where the player was also bound to a single ship called the Xperimental shuttle, X Rebirth will place you in another very special ship: The Pride of Albion, or as it is more recently known: The Albion Skunk.

Makes me very nervous. Being forced upon only flying 1 ship. That's pretty sad. It's always nice to get a new ship (cap something Rare) and fly around in something different. Change is always good, limitations are usually not.

Rooms and NPCs

This one ship, however, is not just another ship like those you know from our past games. For starters, it has several rooms that you can see and use, it has a crew of NPCs who work for you, their captain, and who you can meet face to face.

Sounds interesting.... But adding a bathroom/bedroom is not the reason why I play this game. Talking to your crew sounds interesting. But giving commands that way, may be a bit annoying.. depending on how they toss that together. Having to rush in the heat of battle to go through many lines of dialogue can take away allot of the gameplay action itself. we'll have to wait and see what they actually intend on doing with some sort of "command" options.

But I guess it might add some of the immersion to the game.Instead of brushing off you lost a ship, You'll probably end up saying "OOOH SHIT, FLAKTNAR was on that ship, those assholes... Forward Guns to FULL, I want 8 controlled burst on that battlecruiser". So maybe we can grow more attached to our crew and ships?

Capital ship control

Where the drones are your preferred vehicles for specialized tasks inside and near the surface of a station, capital ships are your vehicle of choice for all the many "big" tasks. From transportation of goods, collecting of resources like ore, gas or plasma up to large carriers and destroyers. They all exist in X Rebirth and you can of course own and operate many of them!

You can in fact even land on these beasts and get out of your ship to meet NPCs while watching the large ship move around in space FROM the deck of the ship!

You won't be sitting in the cockpit and steer such a capital ship from the first person perspective anymore simply because that is boring. Steering huge and slowly-turning ships manually just doesn't make sense. It would force us to make them turn and move unrealistically quick and even then they would be impossible to maneuver near our huge and complex shaped stations.

Instead the steering is done by NPCs who work for you but closely follow your orders. You can control capital ships who work for you in many new ways.

I'm sorry, but I find this very stupid. Using capital ships to haul goods. I just hope they improve the "Kamikaze" script from the AIs flight pattern.

What defines a capital ship to everyone here on the forum?

Well IMO;
capital ships are most important warships, they generally possess the heaviest firepower and armor and are traditionally much larger than any other vessel. A capital ship is generally a leading or primary ship in a fleet.

I don't think we should be using capital ships to ferry goods around and play the role as a heavy combat ship in your fleet.. Why not just Combat?. Whats wrong with freighters? Seems like there cutting the ship variety... doesn't it?

I understand that technically any general/commander is never in the pilot seat. Usually there on the flight deck over-viewing the situation and giving out orders. Like star trek Wink This, I can understand.. I just hope they take this in the right direction. Something like...Where you can give orders while your on the flight deck, and over-view everything while the battle unfolds right in front of your battle-screen on Deck.

*****Special note, My god! I hope your crew at least salutes you as you pass them by.. or at least Hails you. I mean, if your the commander, then your crew should treat you as such. It would suck if you pass by one of your crew members and there digging out some incredibly huge bugger as you pass them by.

What I would like them to add;

Character Customization
Make Yourself in the game the way you want yourself to look like.....Because lets face it, wouldn't you feel more immersed by it. I mean, why still have the boring portraits where you select a game and predetermined look? I know technically you never have to see yourself in the x series as far as I know, but that's the point. You should be able too.

Ship Customization/Decals
I want my ships to maybe bare some special decals. paint jobs. Maybe even add your own decals, that can be stamped on the side of your ships to make you and your arsenal stick out a bit more in the universe.

Better Communications
I'm not entirely sure what race it is in X3AP, but sometimes I get this annoying BUG Eyed women when I scope out some of the missions. Her eyes just roll back like there's something draining her head from the back, so her eyes are rolling back.

They should just completely re-do that aspec of communication.

Better Lighting Dynamics/ special effects
I know there's going to be a whole new Engine. No doubt about that, but how far will they take everything. I just want the space battles to be more of what space battles should probably look like. No I'm not talking about a laser light show from a Rock and Roll concert... I want something like a babylon 5 battle... Even though I've never watched the series lol

Fleets Jumpdrive together
In Eve, I think they pretty much nailed the fleet warp. As your warping to another area (and you have a fleet), you can actually use a special command "fleet warp", and all your other ships will basically warp next to you in the same tunnel to the destination. Therefore, you warp in as a fleet/group, not one at time.

Ending statements
Seems so minimal the things I want added.. But, egosoft is being very broad on how rebirth is going to be exactly. If there changing the universe size, station management, player interaction with crew, and better AI piloting all with a new engine and a stunning universe... Not much else to want but minor additions.

Edit** On a special not.. I'm not too keen on the highways. So does that exactly mean we have to be careful of the people in front of us (without Autopilot)? lol And not all the ships in universe have the same m/sec.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

hi there, I do agree with you on most points. I do feel like rebirth is going to be a big risk taker, which is either going to be brilliant or a disaster. I really hope its not a disaster as this could the end of the egosoft - can they afford many disasters?

Character Customization
- Relicalchaos

hmmm.. well think it depends. If you cant see your character then does this really add anything? atm with different game starts your suposed to be different people, although doesnt feel like it in anyway.

Ship Customization/Decals
- Relicalchaos

When X2 came out, the ships were made from components. I thought this would lead to changeable components then, however when X3 came out the component idea went out of the window with the use of complete complex models. I would like to see the return of the components idea, which would allow customizable components. ie. if you upgrade your cargo bay to module B, you would see a ship hull change to a more bulky module.

Better Communications
- Relicalchaos

Totally agree. We on like 5 or 6 game now, yet the only options we get when talking to a ship is: where is ... or surrender (which never works). I had hope this had be already expanded on.

Fleets Jumpdrive together
- Relicalchaos

Well an M1 is a good start, 1 capital and 60 ships is quite a nice fleet :P


Relicalchaos avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 13 years ago.

hmmm.. well think it depends. If you cant see your character then does this really add anything? atm with different game starts your suposed to be different people, although doesnt feel like it in anyway.
- Roguey

well that's the point. If your going to be able to walk around on deck, and talk to your crew, then I think there should be some sort of character customization. This time around, your not just some "Phantom entity" like in all the X3s. Now your going to be a "person" walking around.

Well an M1 is a good start, 1 capital and 60 ships is quite a nice fleet :P
- Roguey

Yeah but that's a carrier. Lets say you have; 3 Heavy Centaurs, and a few m1's. When you give the command to jump to sector, each ship might arrive at different times, and be in a different wormhole (look at IMG below). When I talk about fleet warp, I'm talking about all your ships simultaneously warping together, and your all in the same wormhole. (belows IMG but with all your ships warping in together, and not a cinematic).



Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

True, if they plan on letting us talk to our crew it would be nice for some customization. Although I guess it would have no effect on anything?

as for the jumping, I guessing that's what wings should of done. Although always struggle with wings - and end up not using them.


helfenbein avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

I'm just throwing it out there, aperantly you can make your own capital ships in game.


Relicalchaos avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 13 years ago.

I'm just throwing it out there, aperantly you can make your own capital ships in game.
- helfenbein

Seems exciting, although I'm still very nervous with all the extreme changes. I've seen allot of game companies do this, and in the end, all it did was ruin, what once was, a good series. Lets just hope Egosoft doesn't. I honestly hope they just just toss something together and expect it to be good.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

I've seen allot of game companies do this, and in the end, all it did was ruin, what once was, a good series.
- Relicalchaos

Ive seen that too, the x-games had a good formula. However there was definitely more things which could of been introduced into the x-series, which we never saw.

Maybe a clean start might be good however, although I would of like to saw a new universe - a complete new place to explore. Maybe with the current changes it will feel like a new place?


DmytroRudoy avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 12 years ago.

from egosoft forum:
"Super highways are even faster than local highways and bridge interplanetary distances. Again you can influence your speed and interact with other ships but you can not leave a super highway in the middle. "

it seems it is possible to have fleet moving together even during highway and interacting with it. Big problems i see is that there will be huge amount of traffic -> a lot of ships -> a lot of speed -> a lot of autopilots ... and at this point i try i always remember that even in the latest X3:AP i still lose 99.9999% of my Kestrels. And idea of co-pilot scares me even more - just remembering how many times my ship crashed, dropped speed or launched from my cargo missiles that were clearly wrong for situation.

Cockpit: i hope if they add cockpit view they are not going to minimize usefulness of outside view. I really hate ships that have parts sticking out and reducing my view: split Cobra, TL, M1, M2 and so on. This constant and never changing surrounding outside window is too present in racing and flight simulators and simply irritates me if i cannot switch to 3rd person.

Building: Love the idea of somewhat premade structure for complexes and similar things, but if they going to take away ability of creating absurd (big, long, wavy, something that is not even describable) structures. Yes, I agree that current building of complexes is very hard to control. However if egosoft will solve this by just providing extremely constricting limitations for our complex like reducing number of factories per complex to something like 10-15 and if we wish to have turrets for protection we would have to sacrifice those slots for defense. This type of system reminds me my previous games like later series of Civilization and SimSity where something similar created "the best" setups. While X series is fun due to its lack of "best", everything is simply different.


sproggit avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 12 years ago.

There's some interesting discussion here.

From what I've seen [vids] and read [newsletters] of Rebirth, it reminds me in some respects of Unreal 2, released by Atari in 2004. In that game you have a main character and a single ship and get to fly from planet to planet on a series of missions - but within the ship you get to wander round several areas and 'interact' with the crew. Thing is, that interaction was very limited in 2004 [say not a patch on what Bethesda have done with Skyrim]. It will be interesting to see where Egosoft go with this idea.

Here are a couple of ideas for things I would love to see in the game...

1. Decent factory complex designs.
Looking at what many players have done with the X3 editions, the huge and lovingly crafted factory complexes must have come as a surprise to Egosoft. So please: put some decent thought into allowing us an *EASY* way to build vast, intricate and beautiful factory complexes. Personally, I like to get a Silicon Asteroid, an Ore Asteroid, and then build out a complex on top of that: crystal refineries, food production, SPP and then mainline components such as shields, missiles and weapons. I balance the complex to be self-sufficient and set the end products to be things I can use in my own ships or sell. Egosoft can bring so much more to this experience...

2. A Bigger, 3D Universe
C'mon... We might be able to argue that a disk-like galaxy is 'mostly flat' but we all know that space has 3 physical dimensions. So how about re-working the navigation system to be 3D. There are open source games in the pipeline doing just this, and they look awesome. And bigger, please. I played "Elite" on my BBC Micro in 1983 and it had a bigger universe than Reunion - on a computer that had 27kb of usable RAM... Egosoft need to offer us a much richer, more immersive universe to explore. Give us 3000-4000 systems please. Sound like a lot? Bethesda had a team of 30 artists working for 3 years to build the Skyrim world, and making the Rebirth universe should be a lot simpler than that because of the ability to make patterns easily...

3. Ship upgrades / adaptability
I love the idea of 'start small and grow' with the X franchise - it's what gives the game it's enduring appeal, and why I still fire up my X2 game, with it's 120 factories and 680 ships, and enjoy a few hours gaming. But how about giving us the ability to tweak our ship designs slightly. So for example, let the player make decisions to, for example, decide the trade-off between shields, cargo space and speed for TS freighters. Yes, there are choices to be had buy buying ships from different races... but it's a bit narrow. How about you let me take my Argon Mercury super-freighter, then jury-rig it to take 6x25MW shields instead of 3? I'll lose cargo space, and maybe she won't be so nimble or fast, but she'll survive a reasonable skirmish intact - or have enough time to power up her jump drives and flee...

4. Evolve the Tech
I acknowledge at the outset that this is the hardest thing to get right. But how about, like so many other games, we allow the tech to evolve and mature. Allow players and NPCs to set up research labs in space and work on shields, weapons, other tech. Don't make the changes wrought over-powering... But for example, just as my character in Skyrim can produce better armour with practice, how about letting me research shield or weapons tech that produces a small improvement in base levels. Say allow us the ability to improve each 'base' Tech a total of 25 times, 4% at a time, until we have exactly doubled it's starting potential. So for example, allow me to research and improve 'medium shields' until a 25MW shield becomes 50MW [for the same space and energy consumption]. Allow this for all the major tech components:-

Cargo Compression


and do it in such a way that each advancement has to be specific to one item. So shield tech developments for the 25MW shield don't automatically translate to the 5MW or 125MW, or vice-versa. But, just as the Bethesda game engine lets players discover new potions, for example, how about letting players in the X universe recombine tech in new ways? Ages ago a game called 'Creatures 2' allowed for this. Set in a space ship with small furry creatures, you could teach them to put a detector unit on a door and produce a door that would open with a proximity detector. But as players you had to figure that out for yourself first. Egosoft would likely have a finite number of permutations, but to players it would be seemingly infinite...

5. Home Bases
One of the defining moments of genius with the X games was the introduction of the Player Headquarters: beautiful to behold and bringing some clever ideas with it, this is something that could be usefully expanded upon. For example, take the 'factory complex' idea and say allow us to mine out or hollow out a large asteroid. Or allow us a new factory type, the "Executive Office" factor module. This would contain a ship dock, decent accommodation, engineering workshop, etc, etc. If the game allows us to invent or modify components, then it will take time and special resources to fit them - i.e. the Research station! It will also be necessary to re-equip or upgrade a shield factory from e.g. 25MW blueprints to each incremental design as they are researched. Tie this together with home bases, where I can store weapons, ammunition, shields, etc.

6. Attributes
The game already has combat and trade ranks, but this concept has been static since X:BTF. How about allowing for more player attributes and then using them to adjust game performance. So for example include the ability to haggle for prices that gets better as trade skill increases, meaning that greater profits can be made. Or an assassination skill that is increased when we hit a known pirate or 'bad guy' but can be wiped out if we kill innocents along the way. How about fines or penalties for shooting up stations accidentally in a gun fight: give the player a choice - pay a fine, do some time, or be blocked from trading with that station/sector/race for a period... These are just some of many ways that we could significantly increase th games complexity.

7. Exploration
In addition to live and open stations and systems, how about throwing in a few hidden nuggets of "dead" alien races? Special tech, but with lots of risk associated with it? We'd need to assemble special kit/detectors/shields, or have ships with a pecualiar set of capabilities [size, speed, manoeverability] to get to the prize? Maybe some floating space stations with puzzles or tricks/traps to kill the unwary.

8. Modding
Having played the X franchise since the beginning, I have only just started to experiment with modding... and although I am enjoying it, the whole process is so fiddly and complex... If Egosoft could make the process of modding the game - say introducing new or tweaked ship designs - so much easier, that would I am ensure enable people like me to actually start work on lots of minor enhancements that we could offer back to the game itself. This is an area where Egosoft already excel, but there is much more to do.

9. Space Ports
I've saved the least likely for last. How about the idea of setting up planet-surface space ports for our character where we can fly or ride a shuttle down to a planetary surface and go to a neutral trade zone to negotiate with other traders? Let us literally walk around and talk to people, pick up rumours, get work offers, meet the honest and shady characters...

There is so much that Egosoft could do that would push the game to who new areas and levels. Much of it may be beyond immediate reach, but I am certain that a fair portion of what I've described here is possible with the current tech and engine in the X games. It's just a question of whether or not we, as a loyal gaming community, can help generate enough interest to produce enough sales for Egosoft to hire enough top programmers to do all this... I sincerely hope we can!!! [ After all, just look at what the guys at "The X Universe" accomplished with the Xtended Mods. So good that their components were folded back into the main game...

I think that should just about do it...


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

well that's the point. If your going to be able to walk around on deck, and talk to your crew, then I think there should be some sort of character customization. This time around, your not just some "Phantom entity" like in all the X3s. Now your going to be a "person" walking around.

Yeah but that's a carrier. Lets say you have; 3 Heavy Centaurs, and a few m1's. When you give the command to jump to sector, each ship might arrive at different times, and be in a different wormhole (look at IMG below). When I talk about fleet warp, I'm talking about all your ships simultaneously warping together, and your all in the same wormhole. (belows IMG but with all your ships warping in together, and not a cinematic).

- Relicalchaos

Similar to a fleet warp in Eve? Obviously it is doable since they do it in Eve. Of course, we don't use the concept of warping to allow large distances between objects in X. Instead, there are no large distances.
Your text goes here..


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

This may be the wrong forum to post this, but what I really want to see is a bigger differentiation between ship classes. I would love to see all fighter classes (M5-M3) to have double the turning and speed, while reducing weapon damage, but increasing weapon speed. I would like M6s to have 50% more speed, while maintaining the same guns. And larger capitals can maintain their current setup.

Right niw fighters are way too slow, and have too much firepower. I would prefer them to be faster and harder to hit, while having less firepower. In other words my Hyperion shouldn't be an oversized fighter like it is. I cant think of any reason to fly a M3 other than a Hyperion, other than it will fit in a fighter bay.

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