I wonder what expectations You have about Rebirth (resonable wishlist).
What In your opinion should change and what not.
Probably most of You think "there are already tons of wishlists for Rebirth", but I dont think so.
In most of wishlist we can see irrational requests, so here are rules:
- all ideas must be continuation of (items, objects, resources...) from previous X-Universe (X3:R/TC/AP)
- dont mess with the game main ideas (trading, space simulator...) ideas like FPS runing on stations and similar are irracional
- if You want add/see new structures, stations, races or ships, make sure they fit in X-Universe
- is there any ideas from mods that in your opinion should be implemented in new X what are they (from what mods)?
- make sure that Your ideas dont ruin the game (long conversations with NPC to take common mission like transport passengers form A to B can be fun at begining, but later long time to take that mission will drive You mad)
- what about Argon / Terran "War" how it ended, who win, or maby there was only losers? Maby supernova settled the conflict?
- finaly; In Your opinion, what are good ideas that already are in X3 that should not be changed/removed ?
- becouse we know very little of Rebirth (only scraps of infos) speak Your mind only about things that Egosoft confirmed (like only 1 ship available for player to fly; the new idea of : VR...)
Well, Im curious and waiting for Yours vision of new X

Here is some of my ideas:
(things to add/change)
- effective anti-missile system, MDM is not enough vs M7Ms barrage, maby some kind of decoy drone that will drew some of missiles away(not all) to keep game ballanced; and for smaller ships maby flare-system???
- unknown sectors take over, with possibility of give them names; defend, rebuild, tax...;
- hiring smart crew for capital ships (if ship is damaged in battle, its crew fly to rapair dock to fix the ship, repleace damaged shields and weapons, resupply fuel and missiles...)
- more specialized ships (in all fields)
- research station(s) and research system (inventing new types of weapons and/or ship improvements that You can install only on ships builded by You) linked to players HQ.
- unique ships equipment (if Your ship is destroyed - instaled eq is lost forever)
- more inteligent traders(MK3) and comodity logistics (only 4 waypoints its not enough), maby some kind of Trading Academy where I can pay to faster train my traders.
- property window colored version and additional info: (ie: military ships = red, traders = blue, When on list i see my Mistral SF that is equiped with comodity logistics or MK3 soft, i want to see info about pilot's rank).
(things not to be changed)
Gate System, Jump Drive - traveling system. I really dont like the idea of highways, when in X3:AP ie Albion systems i hate to wait long time to travel form 1 orbital accelerator to another. So I hope that jumpgates can be reactivated.
Only one ship for player idea - well I do not like it so i hope there will be possibility to change that (mods). Egosoft says that flying capital ships is boring... hmmm i really like to fly abord my Xenon K