I think that X world (as it is in TC/AP) is large enough to solve this problem. And the problem lies in plot(s).
The first plot: War with Terrans. For me this one was totaly disappointed. The JOBS that was served to us was simple (non-think). And during this "war time" I really didnt have the feeling that this War is important, and more - whatever I do the result is the same (there is no quest that lead player to end of war).
Jonferco jobs in Albion sectors (that IMO: was the most stupid quests ever, exept cap the xenon "L" ) and btw if that research station is doing research about xenon technology, where is any of their discoveries? Why I can not buy anything from them? (useless).
Players HQ: Well, here was not that bad, but surely not enough. (build station, dock, bring 75u of Nividium...)
HUB quest: OMG! Totaly waste of time - gathering tons of products... Why the story of HUB was not explained, who build it etc... And givin that powerful structure to player - for some energy and food?
After quests: IMO: We get some ships, HQ + HUB. But what for? The only thing from that list that gives us any advantage is HUB.
HQ - this gives us nothing specjal (a big useless station). Yes we can build ships, yes we can use sprayshop (LOL), yes we have storage. But:
a) Ships are build in unaccpetable time (and there is no way to make it faster)
b) Other races / corporations didnt notice that there is someone new in universe ? LOL
c) Enemies didnt notice from where we manage our ships, complexes, stations etc... ? LOL
there is much more...
research system linked to player HQ - ability to research new tech, ships, (PLOT) MISSIONS and EXPLORING etc...
"connecting" players ships yards, eq docks to player HQ (faster ship building, more logistics etc...
posibility of cooperate with other corporations (PLOT) MISSIONS and EXPLORING...
marines baracks linked (or buildin) HQ - here our soldiers can stay and practise (soldiers system should be rebuild, if they only stay aboard ships - do nothing/dont practise - they slowys loose their skills.
hostility of enemies (defending HQ) is our most valuble / important station!!!
What i mean that on late game player will have something to do, there is still something that force us to explore, take missions, expand... and defend our teritory, goods, AND ALLIES! And this ideas involved only changes about HQ. There is much more that can improve gaming - even in advanced game.
Why I make of HQ the most important one? Look what happend (in oryginal plot) when enemies attacing Jonferco HQ.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me...