X3 Rebirth expectations and more

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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

I guess with one-player ship, we will be forced to rely on the AI more than ever, taking over more than ever-before (piloting a lot more ships). Im personally not too keen on losing more control on 'our' ships, even if the AI is brilliant.

And for discovering, the player ship seems to be a corvette, but we need the fastest ships for that? I don't understand

I guess ego will tell us to use search-drones, although drones in that case do make sense: a ship may send a few off to explore in different directions. Being cheap (or should be) meaning we dont care if we lose them.


jaml avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 11 years ago.

I think that X world (as it is in TC/AP) is large enough to solve this problem. And the problem lies in plot(s).

The first plot: War with Terrans. For me this one was totaly disappointed. The JOBS that was served to us was simple (non-think). And during this "war time" I really didnt have the feeling that this War is important, and more - whatever I do the result is the same (there is no quest that lead player to end of war).
Jonferco jobs in Albion sectors (that IMO: was the most stupid quests ever, exept cap the xenon "L" ) and btw if that research station is doing research about xenon technology, where is any of their discoveries? Why I can not buy anything from them? (useless).

Players HQ: Well, here was not that bad, but surely not enough. (build station, dock, bring 75u of Nividium...)

HUB quest: OMG! Totaly waste of time - gathering tons of products... Why the story of HUB was not explained, who build it etc... And givin that powerful structure to player - for some energy and food?

After quests: IMO: We get some ships, HQ + HUB. But what for? The only thing from that list that gives us any advantage is HUB.

HQ - this gives us nothing specjal (a big useless station). Yes we can build ships, yes we can use sprayshop (LOL), yes we have storage. But:
a) Ships are build in unaccpetable time (and there is no way to make it faster)
b) Other races / corporations didnt notice that there is someone new in universe ? LOL
c) Enemies didnt notice from where we manage our ships, complexes, stations etc... ? LOL
there is much more...
research system linked to player HQ - ability to research new tech, ships, (PLOT) MISSIONS and EXPLORING etc...
"connecting" players ships yards, eq docks to player HQ (faster ship building, more logistics etc...
posibility of cooperate with other corporations (PLOT) MISSIONS and EXPLORING...
marines baracks linked (or buildin) HQ - here our soldiers can stay and practise (soldiers system should be rebuild, if they only stay aboard ships - do nothing/dont practise - they slowys loose their skills.
hostility of enemies (defending HQ) is our most valuble / important station!!!

What i mean that on late game player will have something to do, there is still something that force us to explore, take missions, expand... and defend our teritory, goods, AND ALLIES! And this ideas involved only changes about HQ. There is much more that can improve gaming - even in advanced game.
Why I make of HQ the most important one? Look what happend (in oryginal plot) when enemies attacing Jonferco HQ.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me...

jaml avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 11 years ago.

Can we talk again about the 'one player ship'? Does it means that AI/NPCs will be intelligent/smart enough to do almost all the work for us?

But I think there will be equal chances in combat (and that would be challenging) as our ships are NPC-controlled and so as the enemy ships, and the difference will be in the overall power of the fleets.

And for discovering, the player ship seems to be a corvette, but we need the fastest ships for that? I don't understand

However I guess the next games (after Rebirth, if any) will not be 'one player ship' maybe, but its just a guess.
- Raptor

Now all of us (most of us) are angry becouse this one-ship idea. Well, we will see. IMO it is bad move. Lets look at other good game products that suffer bad changes becouse developers had their briliant ideas.
1. ME series. There is no matter if anyone of us like it or no. Developer made a promise that players will have something to say about how do they want this game to evolve. When reaching part 3 (specialy endind) we can see how players reacted... No matter what player did in ME1/2 is counting to overal "score" that affect the ending.
2. Crysis 2 = lets make a game for everyone! Brilliant idea, Crysis 1 get its position becouse of very good engine, and graphics. Second encounter with that title was disappointment. Why? Becouse they didnt improve graphics. Everyone was expecting crysis 2 to be another breakthrough - well it wasnt, becouse they make it console compatibile (i have nothing against console players) so they simply cant improve graphics becouse consoles cant render it due to their limitations.
3. Ask any Silent Hunter series player how "one ship for player idea" affected this series... Most of loyal fans resing (if I remember correctly) for buying 4th release due to one ship limit.

I think there is some rules, that developers should take into consideration when making next release of their product. One of them is: DONT TAKE AWAY ANY INGAME FUTURES THAT ALL PLAYERS LIKE.

Imagine that now Ego ask players to VOTE:
1- Yes, I like ONE SHIP 4 PLAYER IDEA. I want it in X:Rebirth
2- No, I dont like ONE SHIP 4 PLAYER IDEA. I want the freedom from previous X.

I think we all know the results:
(maby bit different but similar)

It is hard to imagine to me how they make this work. I think there will be tons of multipurpose drones.
Maby VR will give some advantage. Player will be able to directly controll 1 ship (not much diffrence as it is now)
The AI must work "flawless". Otherwise we will not play this game and we will mod X3:AP deeper and deeper.
I think they will leave an open window to modding, to remake the 1 ship idea back to previous free-system.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me...

BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

I fear for the worst... the dumbing down of the game, the simplifying of the ship control and the "super huge stations and capitals" leads me to believe they are making this game generic on purpose to port to PS3...

This is bad. Would also explain why it is taking half a decade to build a game engine and graphics engine from scratch... they are making it universal and have no experience with PS3 hardware demands.


jaml avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 11 years ago.

That is one of my concerns. But lets be a bit more optimistic. Smile

edit {
If they simplify new X too much, I probably will not buy it. However I keep my fingers crosed, and hope that they dont ruin what they achived so far

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me...

Raptor avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

I too agree, we should have more control of our ships & stations and the game should be even more complex/detailed especially with the new graphics & user-interface. Also we should be able to influence the direction of evolvement of the x-universe under the concept of dynamic universe as I said before.

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

jjhawk avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 11 years ago.

Well I just hope the new game will move away from the missile spamfest that X3 dissolved into and bring back real dogfighting instead of blasting everything to bits in one button press or blasted to bits in the same manner..

I hear they have been working alot on AI so maybe meaningful combat may return to the X series and that is a positive In my eyes..


marklarprime avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 11 years ago.

Two things - more plots and a more dynamic economy.

Trading stations seem to be there almost for show considering almost nothing is ever in stock and outfitting a ship can literally take days if you are playing vanilla. Trading stations certainly shouldn't have large stocks of everything all the time but seriously, what would ever posses someone to invest in building a trading station and then leaving the shelves 99% bare of trade goods? Is it the galactic great depression out there or what?

As for more plots I'd like to see a bit more added to the vanilla game as far as plot lines are concerned. Better yet, why not make it easier for X3s huge modding community to create plot mods. I'm not a modder myself and I realize that plot mods are possible right now but the fact that nobody seems to bother very often in such a large and active modding community leaves me believing that this is an area that Egosoft really needs to work on. Sandbox play is okay for awhile but every now and then I like a story line to follow

Seems to me that these are two big holes in the game that might give them the biggest bang for their development bucks, but then I'm just one player. Lot's of other good ideas here too.


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

Actually, I agree with both of your points, especially the point about trading stations. Trade station have a contract with all goods suppliers that they will always buy any of their goods for average price, which in today's market would be a dream come true! If a product is extremely low in demand, yet a supplier has a very large amount in stock that he can't sell, the trade station would be his best fiend; they are always in demand of his product and will always provide him a decent price. As these trade stations keep a reasonable stock of those low demand goods, as soon as they become in-demand, the trading station will be the place to buy those goods as they will always sell them at a decent price!

In the earlier X-games I think trade stations should have monitored all the suppliers in their sector and all adjacent sectors, and offer to buy any product (that isn't weapons or missiles) that any factory in that range produces; if a new NPC station or played-owned station (that allows NPC trade) is built the trade station should then offer to buy their product (if they didn't already). This sort of feature would be fantastic and I think and hope (if Ego actually make Rebirth) that this, or a similar mechanic, would be put into the game.

I will be the one to take you down!

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

I guess trading stations could of been explained different; like they supply the planet with resources, and hence why they act as sink-holes. This sort-of happened with the atmosphere lifer in terran space, although the idea wasnt carried on to other races.

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