I guess I just don't get how a 30 minutes plot and a game with less than 1000 unique items could take so long.
Well I guess its a bit more than that. It does seam they are working on improving the AI and that too, although it does seam like a long time.
Roguey... we need a poll. Why is Rebirth taking so long.
Well, I im not sure how that well help. Asking people what they think of something is different than guessing why a game is taking so long. No body has a clue apart from egosoft. One news post from them would let everyone know what's happening but yet they dont choose to let us know.
I want them to give us a release date. December 2013 or July 2013? Surely they have an rough estimate by now. If they don't then it's very worrying!
True, they could even say a quarter if they arent very sure.
I pray to god they are planning on using the NDA Devnet team to beta test because if they don't this is going to be a bumpy ride.
Trouble is, if they do get a NDA team to look at it then we wont know because of the NDA.
Kirlack, I am sure there are plenty of people who would be happy to see this on a console.
The current gen consoles have less memory, less processing power and weaker graphic card power. So if a game is ported to a console, it would have to fit around the console. This could mean a lot of advance features could be stripped out, so it can 'fit' on a console.
Another issue on a console is the controller. Without a keyboard, the control system has to be simpler. Take Diablo 3, people wondered why it had only 4 active skills. We now know its because they want to map them to the d-pad on a console controller. However a PC version could use 1 to 0 (allowing up-to 10 skills) because of the keyboard. However if PC users could use 10 skills, they would have a major advantage over the console users.
Im not against a console port, as long it doesnt effect the PC version.
However I am p*ssed off about their constant stalling, the lack of information, the fact that it's taken 6 years for a decent gameplay video from them, and finally that the game STILL doesn't have an release date.
And saying, please wait isnt helping lol. Just telling us a release date of 2013, 2014 or 2015 would be better than nothing. Its obviously missed so many dead-lines.