Hey Roguey I am new to your site and love the info! I have been building an API for the X3 series and would like to know if you wanted to help me debug/dev it. Maybe you could make your site more dynamic with an API as would any programs devs make for the game like browsers and such.
Please let me know if you are interested!
Public API


Skillguey (7)


Trueguey (22)

hmmm.. sounds interesting. This API what are you planing to do with it?

Skillguey (7)

The API would serve web and desktop applications with data from the X3 games such as ship lists, sector lists and content (like what you have already but in one static spot). It would read from the game files directly so when the game is updated so are the applications we make. There is a lot to my project! In no way am I trying to get you to change your methods but it is a more modern way to serve data well!

Trueguey (22)

hmmm.. couldnt something like php just access the csv files directly? After-all the in-game data files arent anything special? I would of done it that way myself if I been a bit more experienced when creating the database at the time. Are you looking to make a website with the stats? or something in-game?

Skillguey (7)

Well i plan on creating a website with stats, loadouts, guides, the works. But now imagine if you could access these resources in the game itself! That is the ultimate goal, so to answer your question, both! I already have a semi working in game chat module that can link one computer to another, so the external access capability is possible. Players could chat while they float around eating rocks and killing taxi drivers and possibly even share loadouts and other information.
It would be like putting your ship browser in the game, or the flash map you have. It is all there to be done, just needs people to do it!
It would be like putting your ship browser in the game, or the flash map you have. It is all there to be done, just needs people to do it!

Trueguey (22)

maybe this is a silly idea, however if your using a steam version cant you just load the web-browser and see them in-game?
ps. If you plan on making a site, let me know if I can help promote the site. It would be good to hear a new x-site opening up.
ps. If you plan on making a site, let me know if I can help promote the site. It would be good to hear a new x-site opening up.

Skillguey (7)

Yes but not everyone has the steam version and lets be honest, relying on any kind of steam tech isn't a wise thing to rely on (in my opinion anyway). Perhaps soon I will be able to show you what I mean. As for the website, yes I do already have one in production, just not published anywhere other then my local server.
When it is ready to make a public appearance you will be the first to know! I have already promoted your site to a few of my friends and it has been very handy in my own X3 issues.
When it is ready to make a public appearance you will be the first to know! I have already promoted your site to a few of my friends and it has been very handy in my own X3 issues.

Trueguey (22)

That is true, although I just suggesting its possible to do.
as you said, it would be much easier for me to see what you are doing rather than trying to guess
maybe could you post any pictures? it would be interesting to see of this website.
as you said, it would be much easier for me to see what you are doing rather than trying to guess

maybe could you post any pictures? it would be interesting to see of this website.

Rookiguey (4)

I like the idea of the website you've got planned, Kozain. And the API sounds like a great idea too.

Skillguey (7)

I will post updates to both the website and API as i develop them in this thread if that is alright. I could also use any help from people willing to contribute to the project! I will host it on a local IP and then you guys can follow it as you wish. I will post the address when it is up!

Trueguey (22)

Your more than welcomed to use this thread to keep us updated on the progresses on the API and website.
ps. do you not mean public IP? as wouldnt a local IP only accessible by you?
ps. do you not mean public IP? as wouldnt a local IP only accessible by you?

Skillguey (7)

Your more than welcomed to use this thread to keep us updated on the progresses on the API and website.
ps. do you not mean public IP? as wouldnt a local IP only accessible by you?
- Roguey
ps. do you not mean public IP? as wouldnt a local IP only accessible by you?
- Roguey
Yes I meant public IP. When I mentioned local I meant an IP that is in my home not on a provider somewhere lol sorry!

Tropguey (5)

I'm working on something similar at present, but I'm currently only at the "parse the extant XML to semantic XML".
I'm currently inclined to just make the XML database available to the XML-RPC provided by eXist itself.
I'm currently inclined to just make the XML database available to the XML-RPC provided by eXist itself.

Trueguey (22)

hi cuAnnan, so are you working on a website like Kozain?
@Kozain no problem, it ill be interesting to see it
@Kozain no problem, it ill be interesting to see it


Tropguey (5)

hi cuAnnan, so are you working on a website like Kozain?
@Kozain no problem, it ill be interesting to see it
- Roguey
@Kozain no problem, it ill be interesting to see it

- Roguey
I haven't actually decided what I'm going to do with it yet, I know I want an interactive map that will work on my iPhone for when I'm playing, it would be nice to know where I can sell specific gear for.
If I build it as an API, it would then be possible to create an in game system that would allow me to say "show my specific map" by reconsiling stations that have been removed from the God Engine or added by missions or the God engine.

Skillguey (7)

The XML isn't too bad once you widdle it down to only the things that you need. For example drop the sun attributes, nebula attribute, as they do not have any place in the game. CuAnnan what language do you write in?
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