Online!?! How?

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bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 11 years ago.

I was looking around and found this.
it is the DNA Corporation Network.

Either they spawned two fleet and put the against each other, or there is online gameplay in private networks :P


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 11 years ago.

There was a post on the X3 forums about that recently.

Apparently a while back there was a ladder match type thing going on where 2 people would post their fleets and weapon loadouts and the guy would spawn them and let them battle to see who wins. I watched a few of the vids. Makes for some epic battles!

There are a few up that use some type of mod so the fleet commanders talk during the battle.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

I wouldnt thought online was really possible anyway. You could make a program to poll a server and get the location of each ship in the sector, then downloads it into a log file. A script could read in the log file and move the ships - it would technically work and be 'online', but rather jumpy. Really the only way to do online correctly, is by having the source files and getting some cleaver dicks to look at it and add in online support. ie. The people at egosoft unfortunately, who are busy with Rebirth.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 11 years ago.

One problem with online... SETA. Answer that one.


X2-Illuminatus avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 11 years ago.

Either they spawned two fleet and put the against each other, or there is online gameplay in private networks
- bozo64r

The former. As the first screen of the video tells you, the video shows a round from the X Universe Fleet Fest. This is a competition, where several users create fleets based on different rules and let them fight then against each other (always two fleets controlled by the AI fight against another). The video you linked is from the Italian Fleet Fest, see this post in the Italian Egosoft forum. There was also an English version, see this post.

One problem with online... SETA. Answer that one.
- bozo64r

Easy: remove it.

The answer to life, the universe and everything: 42!
...or was it 23? Picture

bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 11 years ago.

Easy: remove it.
- X2-Illuminatus

That's what I thought, but think if you're in an Argon Titan, with a top speed of 49m/s your gonna be bored out your mind.
If they did online I would want to see that trade lanes, that were being built by Jonferco in X3AP.


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