To mod or not to mod ?

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Raptor avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

You will probably notice that when using SETA sometimes you got "splash of energy" on screen, its a 'seta + engine trails' bug. But engine trails can be removed (and the game looks cool without it) so if you are angry at it, I can provide... that solve problems with this annoying bug.

@jaml, you said you can provide a solution for this annoying bug, how can we improve engine trails? any suggestions? Smile

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

jaml avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 11 years ago.

Hello Smile
Yes, I can provide tships <- moded file, that should (it work on my AP) turn off engine trails. FPS is much better (in very large battles, even on my PC FPS drop down rapidly) and there are no large particle splash on screen. But it turns off totaly particle system that generate trails.

@Roguey is there possibility to upload small file to your site?

@Raptor, if I can not upload it to site, I will need an email adress to send it.

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Raptor avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

I don't want to remove it entirely, the smoke is fine but the engine glows are visible through objects! but forget it Smile

And for the 'SETA + engine trails' bug, I found that its resolved when decreasing the SETA factor (in the game settings in the Options menu), I set this factor to 5x (or 4x or 6x) and the bug is resolved (no problem). Smile

And oh, thanks for the offer to help. But no thanks, I found that partial solution, its ok now.

It does not matter what we were in the past but what we are now, what we do and what we are going to be, our destiny.

XeNoN avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

XRM Xenon Ships:

C, Z and G were originaly from Cadius XTRA Shippack:
C was strike frigate (very powerful one and fast)
Z was M2+/M0
G was M7M


N,M,L,LX,P,PX,G,C,I,R,Z,J,K and Q.

R is a M8 or M3/M8.

Personally i dont like how the I was changed in XRM :S.

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