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RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.


I was hoping someone with some scripting/modding experience could help me with this question!but any help is welcome.

I have built my own missile in 3ds max and it works perfectly in game, however i cannot figure out how to create a flail missile barrage effect (multiple missiles fired at the same time)... in other words where in the 'types' folder is the animation for the missiles set? and is it even possible to create your own barrage missile effect?

Thank you in advance,

Robert Schafer

[update] Simply changing the missile to fragmentation will yield the barrage effect. I guess the question now is, can this fragmentation effect be modified? in other words for example if dont like the way the missiles create a circle and 'circle' each other as they close on the target, could this be changed?

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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

hi there, welcome to the site. Wave

well id had a little look for you and I cant seam to find anything to customize those missiles - AI or fragmentation effect. I got a feeling it maybe hard-coded, like when you select the flag: fragmentation - 8 missiles are created.


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

I would have answered earlier, but I wasn't sure. You can make it fire like a Tornado (successivly) though can't you? Or is that only if it's a dumbfire missile?

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RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

Thank you and cheers for the replies.

Im starting to think your right roguey, that it may be hardcoded which is a petty. And randomtank, you can can fire it successively but im trying to create the sort of missile effect you see in battlestar galactica (not sure if you have seen it) where the basestars shoot this fan of missiles at you.

So my next question, or problem, is that whatever i do, however many missile turrets i create on my custom ship (cockpit_default and invisible weapons. that way the turret fires missiles) the npc will only ever fire a max of 8 missiles at any one time, once these are destroyed or hit there target they fire another max 8 missiles. They dont seem to use the missile barrage option either which is strange... (the custom ship is an m7 so the npc should have the option). I checked the ship myself and the barrage option is available and works but for some reason the ai/npc doesnt use it. Any idea why this may be?


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RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

To reiterate randomtank (wasnt very clear on that :P), I want the npc to fire a number of missiles in one go. 8 missiles are easily shot down. For some reason i thought missiles where a problem in x3ap (m7m's spamming you) but i haven't seen many use missile barrage at all :S

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RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

I apologize about this further update haha, it seems i was wrong about npc/ai not using missile barrage.

Im running a mod called Battlestar galactica, its the killrog mod thats now been continued by JCC. There are certain ships that jump in at times (part of the whole story if you have seen it) and it seems they are the ones that are not using missile barrage! could this be because they are loaded differently and therefore dont have the option to use it? if so is there a way to integrate them in some way so they do use the option?

apologies again for the constant 'spamming'


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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Are those ships M7M's? has maybe the option to do the missile barrage isnt available on other ship classes.

You maybe able to change that, but it could be hidden in some script, somewhere.


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

I believe the missile barrage command is only available to ships which have a missile turret. That's going to be M7Ms, M8s, and some other ships such as the Xenon I.

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RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

Well as far as i can tell they are M7M's... I mean i changed the class to M7 and placed M7M behind the id (just in case that was linked in any way) and as a player ship i have the option to use missile barrage! so i think that's worked.

I have a feeling its linked to the racelogic setting, which i think refers to which race it is (correct me if im wrong) and depending on this race certain options become available and they probably act different as well. Each race has its M7Ms coded in the 'missile barrage script' but because this particular ship is part of a race not in the xuniverse (therefore not hardcoded)the npc is not able to recognize that it is an m7m and should be able to use missile barrage.... But im not sure.... any way im going to hunt around for this script! if anyone finds anything else out do let me know Smile
Thanks for the help so far!!

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RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

Hey ive got another question concerning missiles. Ive been hunting around various forums trying to figure out whether another missile sub-type can be added in some way? In other words ide like to add some new missiles under there own subtype (so the npc doesnt use them) but of course if i manually add a subtype and add it to the ship in tships, it is just removed when saving (something to do with the 32 bit integer limit) Any ideas?

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RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

Edit: I can quite easily figure out the strings (not sure what you call them) of the existing subtypes, for example SG_Missile_Counter = 32768. The issue is i cant find where these are stored.... Are they hardcoded and impossible to change?

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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

If I remmeber correctly, this was one of the down-falls of X3AP. Only a INT (0 to 32,767) was used for laser/missile types. So to expand on this, egosoft used a bitmask so more lasers/missiles could be added. However I think these flags are pre-defined inside x3ap.


RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

Your right to a certain extent but im currently talking to cycrow (im sure you know who i mean) and apparently there is a way. This is his first reply:

The strings themselves are hardcoded, however they are just converted to a number. So in theory using the number instead should work.
missile compatability uses bits for each missile, so you can have a total of 32 groups

second reply:

To add it u'll need to do it manually. The missile compatability is just a bit mask.
so you need to add 2^(n-1) to the mask

But im a little confused do you have any idea what he means?

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RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

I have another question Wink (im working on the x3ap battlestar galactica mod, thats the reason for all of these questions haha), I was wondering if it would be possible to create some sort of ware that gives a ship the possibility to destroy any missiles within a 1 to 2 km radius? To balance this out, between 0 and 1 the missile cannot be destroyed by this system.

Any ideas?


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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Ah, well currently these bits are used for the missile mask:

SG_MISSILE_LIGHT            //bit 0 : 1
SG_MISSILE_MEDIUM            //bit 1 : 2
SG_MISSILE_HEAVY            //bit 2 : 4
SG_MISSILE_TR_LIGHT        //bit 3 : 8
SG_MISSILE_TR_MEDIUM        //bit 4 : 16
SG_MISSILE_TR_HEAVY        //bit 5 : 32
SG_MISSILE_KHAAK            //bit 6 : 64
SG_MISSILE_BOMBER            //bit 7 : 128
SG_MISSILE_TORP_CAPITAL        //bit 8 : 256
SG_MISSILE_AF_CAPITAL        //bit 9 : 512
SG_MISSILE_TR_BOMBER        //bit 10 : 1024
SG_MISSILE_TR_AF_CAPITAL    //bit 11 : 2048
SG_MISSILE_TR_TORP_CAPITAL    //bit 12 : 4096
SG_MISSILE_BOARDINGPOD        //bit 13 : 8196
SG_MISSILE_DMBF            //bit 14 : 16384

ie. 1 +2 +4 +8 +16 +32 +64 +128 +256 +512 +1024 +2048 +4096 +8196 +16384 = 32767

Maybe 32768 might be available to use, but otherwise there isnt more free bits. That's if ego have used an unsigned INT for the number, otherwise 32767 is the max, and wont allow a 15 bit. Although if its signed INT maybe negative numbers could be used? (although I dont see many negative bitmask, maybe cos of a reason?)

cycrow (im sure you know who i mean) and apparently there is a way.

Ive heard of him ofcourse, just not really spoken to him much Smile

create some sort of ware that gives a ship the possibility to destroy any missiles within a 1 to 2 km radius?

Something like that could probably be scripted. Maybe a AI script could be ran to check missile every so-often and remove some.


RobertSchafer avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

That list, where can i find that so i can try and add another subtype? i havent been able to find it anywhere....

Cheers for the replies on both question, great help!!

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