A scam is absolutely not one of them.

Home Board Index » Star Citizen » A scam is absolutely not one of them.


nedna avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 4 months ago.

The amount of journalists and people I've seen calling star citizen a scam is insane. I know this is not a perfect project by any stretch of the imagination but calling it a scam is way to far. This is a space simulator game that has hundreds of earth sized planets and literal star systems. There is so much unprecedented things this game is doing that no other game is.

It's engine tech is unlike anything else and rivals unreal engine 5. It has the highest graphical fidelity, I've ever seen so far, (barring some hiccups) and is overall a miraculous game. I'm willing to accept It being grossly mismanaged, I'm also going to accept that CIG may be overestimating what they can do. I also am well aware of CIG at times missing the mark and having to downgrade things in the past. But to call this project a scam or money laundering is completely ludicrous beyond reason


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