Horizons.What else is there to do on Planets?

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MacRaven avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 7 years ago.

Profit wise...Is landing on planets profitable compared to Bounty hunting and trading?I mean i have been down to planets and explored/Data links/site seeing/Bases,but what else?


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 7 years ago.

That is it for now.

The main reason for running around on the surface is for crafting materials.


MacRaven avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 7 years ago.

Thanks Sinxar ..i was just wondering if people are doing this to make money and if it was profitable compared to trading and bounty hunting.I have not done much on the planets for the crafting materials,is it worth it?


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 7 years ago.

For exploring the one that increases jump distance is really nice, have to be careful though as it is possible to jump into areas you cannot get out of if you only have a single use of it. Although I bet the planets in said area has the stuff you need to make another one.

You also have SRV ammo/fuel/repair ones that are nice to have. Then the ammo ones for your ship are pretty good. Increased damage and able to reload ammo based guns in space is nice while bounty hunting.

But of course the issue is that it is very grindy to gather the materials. Once you know where to look for specific minerals it is much faster but still annoying.

Oh and I just remembered those missions to recover escape pods can be quite profitable and good for rep. I don't know if they nerfed it or not (haven't played in a while) but you could pick up a bunch of escape pods but the mission only ask for one or so. So you could just accept then turn in the mission straight away since the pods aren't mission specific.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 7 years ago.

I do think there is a lack of things to do on planets. Once you seen a few POI's (points of interest) there isnt much to do, especially regards to money making. With v2.1 we now have engineers on planets but still not so much. I guess the main thing about planet landing to the ability to explore, and collecting some materials. You could say trading isnt that great also, as planet landing requires much more time and is riskier too.


j0lt avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 7 years ago.

I've found a couple caches of equipment guarded by drones. Everything looked like it belonged to a minor faction that operates in the system. You can grab the stuff with your cargo scoop, so if you're into that sort of thing, there's that.


Gomorragh avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 7 years ago.

there are actual surface missions, most of them are illegal but high payout, so far thats the main reason, also wandering around on planets far out from the bubble is supposed to net you some good exploration payouts ... not that you can actually tell, might just be exploration experience

Cmdr Gomorragh - Stares at players, just waiting ......

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