Newbie looking to get into roleplaying!

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ammy53 avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

Hi. I'm looking for a roleplaying game. I don't have to much time to learn so I need something that is easy to pick up so u can DM for my friends vshare .

Preferably something that I can learn how to DM for without doing a ton of research.

I'm interested in The one ring and in scum and villain. Are those hard to pick up? I really love sci fi so if someone could recommend some sci fi game that would be easier for me to learn then pls go ahead Smile



IanMorris avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

Hi there! If you're looking for a roleplaying game that's easy to pick up and doesn't require extensive research, I can certainly help you with some recommendations. While "The One Ring" and "Scum and Villainy" are fantastic games, they may require a bit of learning and familiarization before you can comfortably run them as a Dungeon Master (DM).

If you want to find yourself the GTA 5 game on your phone, you can refer to the website for free and safe.

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