cute casual games to unwind before bed?

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ozorio avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

looking for casual games to play (on steam or switch) that are generally cute and relaxing and don't require too much thinking or reflexive action. visual/kinetic novels are usually my go-to for this sort of thing but I often get so wrapped up in the stories that I end up staying up way too late. puzzle games can fit the bill but many of them just get too complex (I am not smart enough for Baba Is You even when I'm wide awake).

I just need a simple game to fidget with when I'm feeling restless and want something to focus my attention on that won't keep me up all night and won't frustrate me.

also no Stardew Valley type stuff, I enjoy that but it's too involved for what I'm talking about here.


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