Lazy egosoft marketing

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Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Is it me, or is egosoft being lazy by asking people to post news for them on X3:AP? Then handing out few copies to people, ie. 1 per 100 shares.

To me, this feels like egosoft are using people to do their marketing for them. I would of thought its ego's job to get the good news out themselves, not by using people to spam the internet with free adverts. If they want advertise the game, why not get some adverts on some of the large gaming sites (gamespot, ign etc.)? rather than encouraging people to spam about it?

One thing I noticed on the egosoft board (Round 2: Help us spread the "good news):

After giving away a couple of free Steam Superbox versions, I noticed that some of you were not very motivated to help because they already have a superbox. They suggested something else. Here we go:

Yeah, because you annoyed everyone without the superbox, so many have simply said screw you ego. Those with the superbox dont need to win another copy, and wont be bothered to spam the internet anyway. What makes it worse, is that it sounds like ego have quite a few copies to give away too, but arent giving them out.


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